Meta förlorade rättgång mot norska integritetsskyddsmyndigheten för att de fortfarande bryter mot GDPR och Meta skyller på att de behöver mer tid för att anpassa sin affärsmodell.
Det är 8 år sedan GDPR trädde i kraft och två år innan satt jag med kunder och tog fram lösningar för att hantera GDPR. #PrivacyByDesign kallades det då. Det är inte synd om Meta, de har haft tid men de valde att strunta i det.
Ook in Nederland kan iedereen miljoenen woonadressen opzoeken na datalek bij overheid
Darf es sonst noch etwas sein? Die Weltherrschaft vielleicht? 🤔
#InfoSec #Überwachung #LawfulAccessByDesign #PrivacyByDesign #Hintertür #Polizei #Encryption #Verschlüsselung
#verschlusselung #encryption #polizei #hintertur #privacybydesign #lawfulaccessbydesign #uberwachung #infosec
Bianca Steffes ist Informatik-Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl für Rechtsinformatik der Universität des Saarlandes. Zuvor studierte sie Informatik an der Hochschule Trier. Sie forscht insbesondere zu den Themen #Privacybydesign mit dem Schwerpunkt auf #Wearables und #LegalTech.
Am #Anwendertag im September wird sie mit Simone Salemi einen Vortrag über #Deepfakes in einer Videoverhandlung bei Gericht halten.
Melden Sie sich jetzt zum #Anwendertag an unter:
#privacybydesign #wearables #legaltech #anwendertag #deepfakes
✈️ Join R. Jason Cronk at #IWPE23 from 11:00am-12:35pm JULY 3 in Delft, Netherlands! Jason's invited talk "2023, the year of the Privacy Engineer?"
The International Workshop on Privacy Engineering is co-located with the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy.
#privacybydesign #privacyautomation #privacyengineering #workshop #privacyarchitect #dataflow #dataprivacy #privacytech
#iwpe23 #privacybydesign #privacyautomation #PrivacyEngineering #workshop #privacyarchitect #dataflow #dataprivacy #privacytech
These sites should __never__ send information to __any__ third party.
#privacymatters #privacybydesign
🎉 We are happy to share that we're making our commitment to privacy and GDPR compliance even more accessible. Our new endpoints give you the option to keep all your user's traffic flowing only through our EU servers.
Learn more:
#maps #mapping #gdpr #privacybydesign
Ah ben dites donc @ademe a besoin de bien beaucoup de choses pour un simple abonnement à une liste de diff ! En règle générale un mail suffit hein 🤬 #RGPD #privacyByDesign (ou pas)
Meilenstein für den Datenschutz oder DSGVO-Bluff?
Ein neuer ISO-Standard zu #PrivacyByDesign soll Firmen dazu bringen, sich mehr um Datenschutz zu kümmern. Kritiker zweifeln allerdings an seiner Wirksamkeit. #DSGVO @MartinRost
Bianca Steffes ist Informatik-Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl für Rechtsinformatik der Universität des Saarlandes. Sie forscht insbesondere zu den Themen #Privacybydesign mit dem Schwerpunkt auf #Wearables und #LegalTech.
Am #Anwendertag im September wird sie mit Simone Salemi einen Vortrag über #Deepfakes in einer Videoverhandlung bei Gericht halten.
Melden Sie sich jetzt zum #Anwendertag an und sichern Sie sich den Early-Bird-Preis auf ihr Ticket:
#privacybydesign #wearables #legaltech #anwendertag #deepfakes
La sfida della privacy by design e by default
Gia’ alla lettura delle prime bozze del nuovo Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati (GDPR), due questioni avevano da subito attratto...
#Federprivacy #DanieleGombi #privacybydesign
#Federprivacy #danielegombi #privacybydesign
Did you know that #privacy is about more than just securing #personaldata? You may (not) be surprised, but most don’t! Businesses have blindspots when it comes to privacy and most wouldn’t even notice certain privacy risks. A little privacy goes a long way when you build from within… Let us help you build privacy into all elements of your products, services, and business processes. #privacybydesign #privacyengineering #privacycompliance #dataprotectionsolutions
#privacy #personaldata #privacybydesign #PrivacyEngineering #privacycompliance #dataprotectionsolutions
Just a reminder that the The Little Blue Book of Privacy Design Strategies is out there in the world for free -
#privacy #privacybydesign #PrivacyEngineering
Privacy Pop Quiz!💡Learn #privacybydesign directly from the author of the IAPP #CIPT textbook at our four week Q2 Strategic Privacy by Design Online Course beginning May 17th. Even seasoned #privacyprofessionals will find new concepts and ways of thinking about and addressing privacy as this course takes a different approach than most #privacytraining out there. #quiztime #privacybydefault #privacyengineering #privacyprotection #privacycompliance #privacytech
#privacybydesign #cipt #privacyprofessionals #privacytraining #quiztime #privacybydefault #PrivacyEngineering #privacyprotection #privacycompliance #privacytech
Gefördert wird europäische Forschung in den Bereichen #PrivacyByDesign, #GDPR, #eId , #Usability und mehr. Projekte werden als Innovation Action mit einer Quote von 70% gefördert. Non-Profit-Einrichtungen sogar 100%. Bis zu 4 Projekte sollen je 2-4 Mio.€ Förderung erhalten.
#privacybydesign #gdpr #eid #usability
"A strong form of privacy protection is achieved when processing personal data locally, on the device of the user. This essentially shields the personal data from the service provider. […] More often than not, the data in the clouds is not as safe as they should be."
You may read "Privacy Myth 6 - Your Data Is Safe With Us": by Jaap-Henk #Hoepman (@xot) #privacyByDesign #privacy #Cloud #dataCapture #dataProtection #dataPrivacy #confidentiality #quotes
#hoepman #privacybydesign #privacy #cloud #datacapture #dataprotection #dataprivacy #confidentiality #quotes
"A strong form of privacy protection is achieved when processing personal data locally, on the device of the user. This essentially shields the personal data from the service provider. […] More often than not, the data in the clouds is not as safe as they should be."
You may read "Privacy Myth 6 - Your Data Is Safe With Us": by @xot #privacyByDesign #privacy #Cloud #dataCapture #dataProtection #dataPrivacy #confidentiality #quotes
#privacybydesign #privacy #cloud #datacapture #dataprotection #dataprivacy #confidentiality #quotes
“Privacy by design” has been part of the privacy practitioners’ vernacular for well over a decade, but for many the phrase remains vague. ✈️ See R. Jason Cronk In-Person THIS FRIDAY at the IAPP Croatia #KnowledgeNet for "Privacy by Design: More Than Just a Catchy Phrase" May 5th @ 14:00 - 16:00 (CET) #privacybydesign #privacybydefault #privacyengineering #privacytech #privacypros #gdpr
#knowledgenet #privacybydesign #privacybydefault #PrivacyEngineering #privacytech #privacypros #gdpr
#AI #GenerativeAI #OpenAI #ChatGPT #DataProtection #Privacy #PrivacyByDesign: "After reading the announcement, it becomes clear that these new features involve basic GDPR rules (data minimization, data protection by design and by default, right of access, and so on). Why these features were not available since the beginning? Was there any privacy professional involved in the product development?
Furthermore, why they do not mention privacy rights, not even once? Why not link to their own privacy policy? Why not offer more information about their privacy assurances? Why not be proactively more transparent?
As a reminder, privacy by design, the framework developed by Dr. Ann Cavoukian, has seven main principles:"
#ai #generativeAI #openai #chatgpt #dataprotection #privacy #privacybydesign
✈️ See R. Jason Cronk In-Person at the IAPP Croatia #KnowledgeNet for "Privacy by Design: More Than Just a Catchy Phrase" May 5th @ 14:00 - 16:00 (CET) #privacybydesign #privacybydefault #privacyengineering #privacytech #privacypros #gdpr
#knowledgenet #privacybydesign #privacybydefault #PrivacyEngineering #privacytech #privacypros #gdpr