Betanews: The business-enabling power of privacy enhancing technologies #PrivacyEnhancingTechnologies #Article
#privacyenhancingtechnologies #article
Our latest article, "Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs): an evergreen category - part 2", is out.
It's the second part of the contribution about Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs).
Enjoy reading!
#privacy #privacyenhancingtechnologies #dataprotection
È stato pubblicato il nostro ultimo articolo "Le Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs): categoria sempre attuale - parte 2".
Si tratta della seconda parte del contributo sulle tecnologie di miglioramento della privacy (PET).
Buona lettura!
#privacy #privacyenhancingtechnologies #dataprotection
"Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs): an evergreen category - part 1", our latest article, is out.
That is the first part on a relevant and always current topic, containing historical references that should always remain in our memory.
We will publish the second part soon.
#pet #dataprotection #privacy #pims #privacyenhancingtechnologies
#pet #dataprotection #privacy #pims #privacyenhancingtechnologies
È stato pubblicato il il nostro ultimo articolo dal titolo "Le Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs): categoria sempre attuale - parte 1".
Si tratta della prima parte su un argomento rilevante e sempre attuale, contenente riferimenti storici che dovrebbero rimanere sempre nella nostra memoria.
A breve pubblicheremo la seconda parte.
#pet #dataprotection #privacy #pims #privacyenhancingtechnologies
#pet #dataprotection #privacy #pims #privacyenhancingtechnologies
Hi all. First post on here. In case you don’t know me, I’ve been in #machinelearning for a while (trained my first #neural networks in 1999, but they were rubbish!) now focused on #compBio applications (mainly #proteinengineering ), but also interests in #bayesian statistics, #PrivacyEnhancingTechnologies and #continuallearning . Currently leading a fantastic team of scientists and engineers at Amazon. Slightly sad at the demise of Twitter, hoping #mastodon can fill the hole it left!
#machinelearning #neural #compBio #proteinengineering #bayesian #privacyenhancingtechnologies #continuallearning #mastodon
RT @baldurkubo: @enisa_eu soon to publish a report about #privacyenhancingtechnologies Wonderful nees for the @MPCalliance and @sharemind