🔥⏲️ Fudge Sunday "AI Feel You" A look at recent updates to AI in and around platform engineering and DevX
#ai #llama #llama2 #devsecops #sbom #softwaresupplychain #softwaresupplychainsecurity #DevX #platformengineering #governance #aieducation #aiethics #stem #developerexperience #infrastructureascode #iac #generativeai #genai #llmops #cloudformation #terraform #aifirst #apifirst #cloudfirst #mobilefirst #privacyfirst #securityfirst #aitraining #aitrends
#ai #llama #llama2 #devsecops #sbom #softwaresupplychain #softwaresupplychainsecurity #devx #platformengineering #governance #aieducation #aiethics #stem #developerexperience #infrastructureascode #iac #generativeai #genai #llmops #cloudformation #terraform #aifirst #apifirst #cloudfirst #mobilefirst #privacyfirst #securityfirst #aitraining #aitrends
User #tracking is so prevalent that we often have clients in the EU ask us to provide a list of #cookies served by #NodeBB on behalf of third-parties.
Sometimes they don't understand that there's nothing to send over.
"Please send us a list of third-party cookies"
"There is no need to send a list, we only serve one single session cookie"
"I need a list to send up to legal"
*sends empty list*
#tracking #cookies #nodebb #privacy #privacyfirst
It will be a renaissance of system programming and programming with minimized computation and memory footprint
It is two great domains that are eager for performance but limited in resources or, let's say, where resources are mapped to money or just limited by the nature of the device.
1) #smartcontracts
2) co-local mobile-first, #privacyfirst #AI #agents
#smartcontracts #privacyfirst #ai #agents #rust #cpp
Ich verstehe diesen #hype um #Threads nicht???
Wieso sollte man freiwillig zu einem Unternehmen wechseln, die dafür bekannt sind, eure Daten zu sammeln und weiterzuverkaufen?
Ist es heute irgendwie geil, das Algorithmen erkennen, wann Ihr zu welchen Zeiten Ihr arbeitet, wann Ihr Freizeit bzw. krank seid und wofür Ihr euer Geld ausgebt?
Ich bleibe lieber hier bei #Mastodon. Hier bleiben meine Daten privat und finde es hier ganz kuschelig ❤️ #privacyfirst
#Hype #threads #mastodon #privacyfirst
Zorgen over #ChatGPT nemen toe en de politiek holt er hijgend achteraan. Overzichtsartikel en commentaar #PrivacyFirst:
#ChatGPT @toezicht_AP
Vincent Böhre #PrivacyFirst:
‘Je moet je als burger anoniem kunnen bewegen’
Can ActivityPub Save The Internet? #ActivityPub #Decentralized #PrivacyFirst
#activitypub #decentralized #privacyfirst
Hmm. Philippine Bike Demo and Expo at UP Diliman this month. Registration form REQUIRES email and mobile phone number BUT does not say why, nor do they have PRIVACY POLICY.
#PrivacyFirst : "Justitie wil in particuliere stamboom-DNA-databanken kunnen grasduinen voor strafrechtelijk onderzoek. Wettelijke basis? Geen waarborgen, veel bezwaren en onvoorziene risico’s. Reactie Privacy First bij Radio 5" @BertOp5_ @Het_OM @GerritvdBurg @NedForInst
n.a.v. "Het OM wil stamboom-dna-databanken gebruiken bij het oplossen van cold cases"
#YouTube has been accused of collecting the viewing #data of children aged under 13, in breach of a UK #dataprivacy code designed to protect children.
#privacy #google #dataprotection #privacyfirst #privacyrights #privacyawareness #bbc
#youtube #data #dataprivacy #privacy #google #dataprotection #privacyfirst #privacyrights #privacyawareness #bbc
Explosieve stijging stalkerware, duizenden mensen brengen partner of kind in gevaar.
#PrivacyFirst en #bitsoffreedom roepen de politiek op om strengere maatregelen te nemen tegen trackers en #stalkerware en adviseren die te verbieden
Achtergrond: zie Kassa - BNNVARA
#cybersecurity #stalkerware #bitsoffreedom #privacyfirst
@cryptgoat Thank you for spreading the word about LibreTube! We're glad to hear that you appreciate the privacy-friendly features of our app. It's great to see that more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of protecting their privacy while using online services. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us on our GitHub page. We're always here to help! #libretube #privacyfirst #opensource
#LibreTube #privacyfirst #opensource
I tried a lot already. My current favorite is #Logseq, though I’m beginning to notice that „offline first“ has its drawbacks too.
Before I tried #remnote which is really good for spaced repetition, but was a little buggy many month ago.
I used #notion which is really good but I missed layered „bullet points“ and was suspicious of their „too good to be true“ free and lower tier business model.
I used #workflowy, but it was too basic in functionality.
I tried #anytype which is too alpha + hard requirement for local client.
I haven’t spend much time with #obsidian, it looks really good but also no web interface and if I wanted to use it on a work issued notebook I’d have to ask my boss for a license.
I tried #dendron, it was interesting but wasn’t good with media embeds (years ago).
My dream #PKM is #selfhosted optionally, #markdown capable, browser accessible, #PrivacyFirst, code highlighting, spaced repetition learning features and a clever concept on how to integrate bigger site attachments. I think it doesn’t exist yet. What comes closest is #logseq
#logseq #RemNote #notion #workflowy #Anytype #obsidian #Dendron #pkm #selfhosted #markdown #privacyfirst
Per cert, aviat rebrem el #HomeAssistantYellow amb el que esperem automatitzar i crear rutines.
Algú a la sala amb experiència?
#homeassistantyellow #opensource #privacyfirst
#Berty The #privacyfirst #messaging app
that works with or without internet access, cellular data or trust in the network
#berty #privacyfirst #messaging
Messages are not end-end encrypted on mastodon yet, please please do NOT use it for anything you want to keep private. #privacyfirst
Financiële #privacy staat op de agenda van de conferentie van 25 januari a.s. door #ECP en #privacyfirst ;
ik lever ook een bijdrage.
Kom naar deze belangrijke conferentie!
#bancairsleepnet #Wwft #financielemensenrechten #surveillance
ECP | Platform voor de InformatieSamenleving
Privacy First
Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken
Transactie Monitoring Nederland (TMNL)
#surveillance #financielemensenrechten #Wwft #BancairSleepnet #privacyfirst #ecp #privacy
Hell Mastodon! I’ve been lurking here for a while, so it’s about time for my #IntroductionPost. I’m a former- startup founder and CTO, currently working on an #OpenSource, #PrivacyFirst web app that speaks #ActivityPub and #IndieWeb.
I’d love to connect with other #FediverseDevs out there who know #Golang, #Go-Fed, or want to learn.
#introductionpost #opensource #privacyfirst #activitypub #indieweb #FediverseDevs #golang #go