*privacy not included | Shop smart and safe | Mozilla Foundation
> All 25 car brands we researched earned our *Privacy Not Included warning label – making cars the worst category of products that we have ever reviewed
#Privacy #PrivacyNotIncluded #PrivacyMatters #PersonalInformation #GDPR #Automotive #AutomotiveNews #AutomotiveIndustry #AutomotiveSoftware
#privacy #privacynotincluded #privacymatters #personalinformation #gdpr #automotive #automotivenews #Automotiveindustry #automotivesoftware
Imagine telling your friend (Google) a secret (your life journal aka Google account).
Your friend then accidentally tells another person (law enforcement) about your secret (information from your Google account).
Later, the other person bullies/harasses (falsely arrests) you about something from your secret (location history).
Das #Auto ist nicht nur ein sehr ineffizientes #Fortbewegungsmittel mit hohem #platzbedarf und schädlichen #emissionen, es ist auch eine #datenschleuder. Egal aus welchem Land, #VW ist nicht besser als #Tesla.
Wer seine #sexuelle #Präferenz nicht mit der ganzen Welt teilen will, sollte entweder #fahrrad fahren, #ÖPNV nutzen oder sich ein gutes #carsharing suchen.
#Datenschutz #privacymatters #automobilhersteller
#auto #Fortbewegungsmittel #platzbedarf #emissionen #datenschleuder #vw #tesla #sexuelle #praferenz #fahrrad #opnv #carsharing #datenschutz #privacymatters #automobilhersteller
3rd reading of #OnlineSafetyBill starts in House of Lords today. OSB is deeply flawed, poorly drafted and a dangerous precedent. Undermining encryption is a dreadful blunder.
Read our blog to learn more: https://element.io/blog/end-to-end-encryption-the-will-of-the-british-people/ 🌐🔐
#digitalrights #privacymatters #onlinesafetybill
Most Websites:
"We value your privacy"
now go ahead and sell your soul.
#privacy #privacymatters #cookiebanner #cookies
MoonBounce: the dark side of UEFI firmware #privacymatters #security #uefi
#privacymatters #security #uefi
❝ Microsoft is bringing Python to Excel ❞
❝ Python calculations run in the Microsoft Cloud ❞
👍 Easy no install
😠 However, also one more confirmation that probably soon you will only be able to use MS Office with a yearly subscription.
❗Making #privacy, #cybersecurity, #transparency & #decentralized apps all the more important
👍 I like that #PyCharm gives you a perpetual license for the last version you have paid for.
#privacy #cybersecurity #transparency #decentralized #pycharm #privacymatters #codinglife
“They all just wanna have total control,
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do,
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do!”
#privacymatters #oliveranthony
#InvestigativePowers must be used responsibly to protect citizens from cyber threats! However, we must be careful not to overreach and slow down vital security updates. #U.K. #IPA #CyberSecurity #PrivacyMatters #WhiteHouse http://www.techmeme.com/230822/p28#a230822p28
#investigativepowers #u #ipa #cybersecurity #privacymatters #whitehouse
#Worldcoin is a revolutionary project that is paving the way for a future of privacy and security! It's no surprise that the White House is interested in the project and its implications - after all, it provides a way to keep user data safe and secure while also allowing them to transact securely. #PrivacyMatters #TrustTheWhiteHouse #SecurityFirst #InnovativeTechnology http://www.techmeme.com/230822/p2#a230822p2
#worldcoin #privacymatters #trustthewhitehouse #securityfirst #innovativetechnology
I've been looking to move away from Google Mail/Cal etc. I can't afford the popular Open-Sourced private addresses like Proton (I'm only a lowly IT monkey). Then I remembered that @Vivaldi provides a free email alternative, I already like their browser, you can encrypt you email and (best of all) still use 3rd party apps (Sorry Skiff, this turned out to be a deal breaker). Very happy with it so far, will be part of my new blog series.
#FOSS, #freeEmail #privacyMatters
#foss #freeemail #privacymatters #skiff
@Lana Konsequent durchgezogen. Respekt. Und sehr erfrischend zu lesen, wie Ausstieg und Neuanfang angepackt werden. Einfach mal Fakten schaffen. #notracking #privacymatters #opensource
#opensource #privacymatters #notracking
He also uses the classic comparison of our society with the concept of the #panopticon and the experiments of B. F. Skinner.
For example, Glenn Greenwald (one of the journalists who helped Edward #Snowden disclose the documents he had collected when working for the CIA, author of No Place To Hide), in his TED talk "Why #privacymatters", uses these arguments among others. I recommend it too: https://iv.renn.es/watch?v=pcSlowAhvUk
#talk #privacy
#panopticon #snowden #privacymatters #talk #privacy
Yesterday I watched "don't hex the water" a video by exurb1a where he describes our current society of #masssurveillance and invasions of #privacy , extrapolating to a society where nothing can be kept secret and where everyone can watch everything, even from the past. The argument isn't new but is admirably presented, and the video leaves behind a feeling of oppression that isn't found in talks or articles on the subject.
I highly recommend watching it:
#masssurveillance #privacy #privacymatters
Happy Friday! #joke #security #privacymatters
#joke #security #privacymatters
L'importance d'utiliser des applications de messagerie avec #chiffrement de bout en bout, lesquelles utiliser et pourquoi.
@Em0nM4stodon a réalisé une comparaison de Threema, Signal, WhatsApp et iMessage. Et vous, quelles messageries utilisez-vous ?
#chiffrement #privacy #security #privacymatters #opsec