“While we worried that our doorbells and watches that connect to the internet might be spying on us, car brands quietly entered the data business by turning their vehicles into powerful data-gobbling machines.”
84% sell your data.
56% give data to law enforcement “on request.” (No court order required.)
92% give you little/no control over what they do with it.
#Privacy #PersonalData #AutoIndustry #BigBrother #YouAreTheProduct #Mozilla #PrivacyNotIncluded
#privacynotincluded #mozilla #youaretheproduct #bigbrother #autoindustry #personaldata #privacy
*privacy not included | Shop smart and safe | Mozilla Foundation
> All 25 car brands we researched earned our *Privacy Not Included warning label – making cars the worst category of products that we have ever reviewed
#Privacy #PrivacyNotIncluded #PrivacyMatters #PersonalInformation #GDPR #Automotive #AutomotiveNews #AutomotiveIndustry #AutomotiveSoftware
#privacy #privacynotincluded #privacymatters #personalinformation #gdpr #automotive #automotivenews #Automotiveindustry #automotivesoftware
"La voiture qui parlait trop" trouvé en boite à livres ce matin. Est-ce le dernier rapport *Privacy not included de la fondation Mozilla ?
TL;DR; your vehicle is pretty much privacy hell on wheels. 🚗 ⚠️
From biometrics to genetics and even your sex life, there’s not much your car isn’t collecting. More here ⤵️ https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/its-official-cars-are-the-worst-product-category-we-have-ever-reviewed-for-privacy/
#viePrivee #privacy #mozilla #privacyNotIncluded #voitures #cars
#vieprivee #privacy #mozilla #privacynotincluded #voitures #cars
Mozilla soutient les propositions de la FTC d'actualisation de la réglementation fédérale sur la notification des fuites de données en matière de santé, en particulier pour les applications #PrivacyNotIncluded
blog “Open Policy & Advocacy” de @mozilla@mozilla.social https://blog.mozilla.org/netpolicy/2023/08/11/mozilla-supports-updates-to-the-health-breach-notification-rule/
RT @mozilla
Hey @tiktok_us, it’s time to step up ⏰
Thanks to #privacynotincluded, we’ve discovered that #TikTok is strongly misleading its Android users when it comes to data privacy.
Spread the message that transparency and honesty is the expectation. Sign here🖋️ https://mzl.la/3Y49lI6
I was about to open a bank account with Zopa until I read the privacy policy and found this section:
"we may also send your contact details to social media sites. . . For example, we use Facebook’s Custom Audiences for this purpose."
So I abandoned that completely. Why on Earth do we have to worry about our details being sent to random third-party sites when we're trying to open a bank account?
#privacynotincluded #privacy #zopa #facebook #privacypolicy
Here's one for #privacy people. We were suggested to try out Glow Baby Grow to track nappies and feeds and stuff as a couple.
However, it's privacy rating is... Kinda shocking. I see #PrivacyNotIncluded do at least offer some mitigations. And for the push button solution it's great? But any #parents aware of a tool that's the same but better?
Does FamilyWall have a push button solution for this?
#privacy #privacynotincluded #parents
RT @iAnonymous3000
Want to protect your online #privacy? Check out @mozilla's #PrivacyNotIncluded guide before you buy your next tech product. Find out which products have the best privacy practices and which to avoid. #privacymatters #CyberSecurityAwareness #opsec
#privacy #privacynotincluded #privacymatters #cybersecurityawareness #opsec
Want to protect your online #privacy? Check out @mozilla's #PrivacyNotIncluded guide before you buy your next tech product. Find out which products have the best privacy practices and which to avoid. #privacymatters #CyberSecurityAwareness #opsec
#privacy #privacynotincluded #privacymatters #cybersecurityawareness #opsec
Weihnachtsgeschenk noch nicht besorgt?
Dann schau doch mal in den #privacynotincluded Einkaufsratgeber der #Mozilla Stiftung rein ... creepy 👁️
@thegpfury @bradlinder for me personally I don't want *any* Android device, but that's a different matter. Also Kobo, my preferred brand for years, is marked #PrivacyNotIncluded on Mozilla's list, so go figure 😑
Hmm, maybe I'll invest in a low-end Boox after all, at least until specialised ereader-only tech matures a bit more...
#Mozilla’s #PrivacyNotIncluded list is a very interesting campaign. https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/
RT @mozilla
It's scary how your most personal information could be shared, and even worse, with who. #privacynotincluded https://twitter.com/mozilla/status/1559968311869333506
La plupart des applis menstruelles sont mal sécurisées #grossesse #menstruations #PrivacyNotIncluded, à lire sur @datanews_fr@twitter.activitypub.actor https://datanews.levif.be/ict/actualite/la-plupart-des-applis-menstruelles-sont-mal-securisees/article-news-1584627.html
#privacynotincluded #menstruations #grossesse
Les apps de suivi menstruel épinglées par Mozilla pour leur mauvaise gestion des données personnelles #PrivacyNotIncluded, à lire sur @lesnums https://www.lesnumeriques.com/divers/les-apps-de-suivi-menstruel-epinglees-par-mozilla-pour-leur-mauvaise-gestion-des-donnees-personnelles-n189609.html
La fondation @mozilla@twitter.activitypub.actor présente les raisons qui l'ont poussée à examiner le respect de la vie privée d’applications de suivi de grossesse et des menstruations #PrivacyNotIncluded https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/blog/why-mozilla-is-scrutinizing-the-privacy-of-pregnancy-apps/
If you’re someone who tracks your reproductive health with tech, this is your warning ⚠️🚨... Esp important in post-Roe world in US.
20 apps tested 👀
18 apps failed ❌
Learn how your reproductive health apps are using your most private information. #privacynotincluded
RT from Jessica Hardcastle (@JessicaHrdcstle)
It's official: your period and/or pregnancy tracker will probably share your data with law enforcement. And they might even do it on purpose. @mozilla #privacynotincluded https://www.theregister.com/2022/08/17/mozilla_pregnancy_app/?utm_medium=share&utm_content=article&utm_source=twitter via @theregister
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/JessicaHrdcstle/status/1559903071748390912
Regals per aquestes festes... #privacynotincluded de #mozilla
Privacy is important!
RT @mozilla
Roses are red
Violets are blue
How much does your dating app
Know about you?
We reviewed the privacy and security of the most popular dating apps so you can swipe left on the ones with #PrivacyNotIncluded