Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
666 followers · 2608 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "Privacy policies are horrible. They are too long, impenetrable, and full of legalese that amounts to a take it or leave it offer. But the privacy policy is one of the only places where tech companies have to tell us the truth—the truth about what personal data they are collecting, how they share and profit from that data, and at a deeper level, what sort of trade we’re making when we choose to use their apps or platforms.

They follow a predictable structure, meaning you can learn to navigate them, spotting key sections and passages from a safe skimming height, swooping down only to extract the juiciest morsels of information or to leverage an opportunity to opt out of certain collection (or to opt in to deeper, more personalized disclosure).

We can teach you how to do that. Drawing from our shared experience—Jon as a reporter who has read hundreds of these documents in the course of his reporting, and Jesse, an intern with us who also happens to be an attorney who has helped write dozens of privacy policies himself—we have some tips we want to share with you about what to look out for. We also asked some privacy experts to weigh in and share their advice with our readers."


#privacy #privacypolicies #dataprotection

Last updated 1 year ago

Matthew Slowe · @fooflington
101 followers · 30 posts · Server infosec.exchange

"Nowhere does it say 'this needs to suck' in the regulations" 😆​

#privacyseriously #privacypolicies #gdpr

Last updated 2 years ago

J. Lindley · @jlindley
2 followers · 62 posts · Server mastodon.world

If that thing is what caused the confusion in the first place. A single should be all that is needed, explaining exactly what happens with clearly defined terms constructed in a way that even the can understand it.

There should also be a basic rundown as well, often , are too long and people skip reading them. A simple of the Policy/Agreement would display the general idea of the policy without boring people.


#privacypolicy #averagejoe #privacypolicies #licenceagreements #outline

Last updated 2 years ago

J. Lindley · @jlindley
2 followers · 62 posts · Server mastodon.world

Arguably, is even worse than as unless you , you're forced to use Apple's apps with the tracking code and all.

Least with you can somewhat mitigate the issues, if not fully mitigate by flashing a , but they're'll be no such luck on .

The multiple all linked together like some sort of Mesh also does nothing but confuse people, which is the point - confused people are less likely to want to read things 1/2

#apple #google #jailbreak #Android #customrom #iosdevices #privacypolicies

Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
52 followers · 2129 posts · Server schleuss.online

Uniswap Labs Releases Privacy Policy, Says It Collects Data Related to Wallets, Devices, and Browsers - Uniswap Labs, the firm behind Uniswap, released a new privacy policy.
Th... - dailycoin.com/uniswap-labs-rel (uni)

#zz_top #zz_index #definews #zzznative #zz_popular #uniswap #privacypolicies #zzzeditorspicks

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Böttcher · @Tim_Boettcher
145 followers · 412 posts · Server ioc.exchange

Question for fellow : How do you go about and the entire legal froth surrounding any ?

I feel deeply frustrated by this, as I don't have the legal knowledge to write legally sufficient yet understandable documents, and automated services that do exist usually just generate hard-to-read content rather than useful, informative documents.

#webdevelopers #privacypolicies #CookieBanners #webapp

Last updated 2 years ago

Mati :blobcatreading: · @matiiob
206 followers · 2436 posts · Server mastodon.uy

For a while now I have started to give importance to the of services and applications that I use frequently. That's why I thought of doing a :blobgrin:

(Poll is in previous toot ⤴️)

Always 🧐
Almost always 😌
Sometimes 🙄
Never 😥

Retweets and comments are appreciated :blobheart: .

#survey #privacypolicies

Last updated 2 years ago

ITSEC News · @itsecbot
687 followers · 32461 posts · Server schleuss.online

Apple to Deliver ‘Privacy Labels’ for Apps, Revealing Data-Sharing Details - Developers will have to reveal how data is shared with any “third-party partners,” which include a... threatpost.com/apple-privacy-l .8

#ios #apps #macos #dec #apple #privacy #appstore #mobileapps #developers #datasharing #thirdparties #privacylabels #mobilesecurity #privacypolicies

Last updated 4 years ago