X sues Calif. to avoid revealing how it makes “controversial” content decisions
#ArsTechnica #XvsCalif #ControversialContent #ContentDecisions #PrivacyRights #Transparency #Politics #News
#arstechnica #xvscalif #controversialcontent #contentdecisions #privacyrights #transparency #politics #news
@dmarti Great call. I composed a letter with #Resistbot and enabled it to be a template that anyone can use. Text “SIGN PHYURG” to 50409 to support SB362!
#resistbot #California #privacyrights #deleteact #voteforsb362
Apple Threatens to Pull iMessage From UK
A cynic might wonder whether this is just a disguised attempt to get closer to a complete surveillance state or mostly an ignorant and ill-advised attempt to be seen to be doing something. Similarly, is Apple's resistance a stance for privacy or a strategic move to protect its product integrity?
#encryption #europe #imessage #endtoend #e2e #privacyrights
MTG said she was 'uncomfortable' showing photos of Hunter Biden having sex but Americans 'deserve' to see them
#MTGUncomfortablePhotos #HunterBidenNaked #AmericansDeserveToSee #MTGControversy #PrivacyRights #EthicsInPolitics #Politics #News
#mtguncomfortablephotos #hunterbidennaked #americansdeservetosee #mtgcontroversy #privacyrights #ethicsinpolitics #politics #news
What the hell? So #Meta and others not only sell yr data, they also gather it from tax software ?? C’mon ! How about some regulation against these data thieves ?
They’ll next make us pay for our own data that they took via their very fine print…
#meta #privacy #privacyMatters #privacyrights #DataRights
Yes, it’s easy to just say no to #facialrecognition at US airports. I’ve done it - just say you’d prefer not to opt in, thentheagent simply asks for yr license and boarding pass. Simple + fast
#facialrecognition #privacyrights
Join #FreedomNotFear conference in Brussels and discover how to defend your #PrivacyRights!
📣 Registration extended until July 17
➡️ https://freedomnotfear.org/2023/register-for-freedom-not-fear-2023
#freedomnotfear #privacyrights
ICYMI - (Article is a year old) -
“Facebook and Anti-Abortion Clinics Are Collecting Highly Sensitive Info on Would-Be Patients
The social media giant gathers data from crisis pregnancy centers through a tracking tool that works whether or not a person is logged in to their Facebook account”
#privacylaw #privacyrights #abortion
ICYMI (Article is a year old) -
“Texts, web searches about abortion have been used to prosecute women
The data privacy risks associated with abortion aren’t hypothetical. Cases in Mississippi and Indiana could preview how digital evidence could be used post-Roe.”
#privacyrights #privacylaw #privacy #abortion
I'm glad to see that the National Defense Authorization Act amendment is looking out for the privacy of American citizens! #PrivacyMatters #PrivacyRights #ProtectingCitizens #NDAA #SearchHistory http://www.techmeme.com/230706/p18#a230706p18
#privacymatters #privacyrights #protectingcitizens #ndaa #searchhistory
US Judge Orders Kraken to Release Customer Data to IRS in Cryptocurrency Tax Probe - Kraken, the San Francisco-headquartered digital currency exchange, has received a ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/us-judge-orders-kraken-to-release-customer-data-to-irs-in-cryptocurrency-tax-probe/ #digitalcurrencyexchange #cryptocurrencyusers #financialrecords #taxobligations #investigation #privacyrights #taxcompliance #coinbasecase #customerdata #sanfrancisco #courtorder #irskraken #krakenirs #coinbase
#coinbase #krakenirs #irskraken #courtorder #sanfrancisco #customerdata #coinbasecase #taxcompliance #privacyrights #investigation #taxobligations #financialrecords #cryptocurrencyusers #digitalcurrencyexchange
Pornhub blocks access in Virginia over new age verification law
#PornhubAccessBlock #VirginiaAgeVerificationLaw #InternetCensorship #PrivacyRights #OnlineRegulations #AdultContentLaws #Politics #News
#pornhubaccessblock #virginiaageverificationlaw #internetcensorship #privacyrights #onlineregulations #adultcontentlaws #politics #news
This is not a good use of technology
#nomorebiometrics #privacyrights #governmentsurveillance
This is not a good use of technology
#nomorebiometrics #privacyrights #governmentsurveillance
#StopTheRestrictAct #RestrictAct #TickTokBill #MissouriVsBiden #BodyAutonomy #PrivacyRights
Know the facts about this invasive, unconstitutional, communistic, Orwellian, privacy destroying, top down, dark dystopian desire to lay
claim over our individual bodies and even our thoughts!!! #StopTheMadness #NoCensorship #EndCensorship #FreeSpeech #ConstitutionalRights #BillOfRights
#StopTheRestrictAct #RESTRICTAct #TickTokBill #MissouriVsBiden #BodyAutonomy #privacyrights #StopTheMadness #nocensorship #EndCensorship #freespeech #constitutionalrights #billofrights
#PrivacyRights and civil liberties threatened by TSA’s new #BiometricSurveillance
#privacyrights #biometricsurveillance
#PrivacyRights and civil liberties threatened by TSA’s new #BiometricSurveillance
#privacyrights #biometricsurveillance
“This report would not be complete without a tally of the vote. It was 74-22. 73 Republicans voted in favor of the Bill (no Republicans voted against it) and 22 Democrats against. As the math suggests that means one Democrat actually voted for this travesty. His name is Dwayne Thompson, @VoteThompson96 on Twitter.”
#Tennessee #InterracialMarriage #SameSexMarriage #PrivacyRights
#privacyrights #samesexmarriage #interracialmarriage #tennessee