“I had entered the rider’s credit card information… After a few seconds, the site churned out the rider’s travel history for the past 7 days, no other verification required… MTA’s trip history feature still works even when the user pays with Apple Pay.”
This flies in the face of everything Apple has said about Apple Pay. How can MTA track riders with their card number if Apple doesn’t expose it?
#apple #applepay #privacywashing #404media
“Learn privacy” a new course from… surveillance capitalist Google.
These people have no shame.
#google #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #surveillance #capitalism #webDotDev #web #dev #privacy #SiliconValley #BigTech #privacyWashing
#google #surveillancecapitalism #peoplefarming #surveillance #capitalism #webdotdev #web #dev #privacy #siliconvalley #bigtech #privacywashing
Haha anyone attending PEPR '23 want to bring up the fun sponsors for this privacy conference? Added bonus:
"Sponsorship exposes your brand to highly qualified attendees ... ."
Yes, highly-qualified privacy researchers, imbibe these brands and dilute your sensibilities about its effect on the thing you profess to care about.
In other news, here's the AACR's conference this year. (Just kidding! That would be ridiculous).
It seems Google funding from 2015 is directly responsible for this. This at least raises the question of whether the project leaders were misguided by design.
Despite academics' insistence that they are not influenced, Google does not invest huge amounts of money in things that do not serve its interests. Whether it is obvious to individual academics or not, in aggregate Google's investments serve its aims, which are contrary to #privacy online.
In The New York Times Magazine this week, Colin Koopman makes a point about Big Tech funding in the context of algorithmic fairness:
"Imagine if the leading research in environmental regulation[...] were coming out of think tanks funded by Big Oil? People ought to be like, If Microsoft is funding this think tank that is supposed to be providing guidance for Big Tech, shouldn't we be skeptical? It ought to be scandalous."
This conference does not need to include Meta/Facebook, AT&T, or any other sponsor with a terrible history with #privacy. It could easily turn down sponsorship from them, as other privacy conferences do.
I can't say this enough: It's not a good look, and participating in the conference is complicity. There's plenty of other conferences that don't do this; go to them instead. #privacywashing
Just seen in the wild, a workshop for " #Privacy Enhancing Technologies for the Public Interest" funded by a generous gift from ... Schmidt Futures.
It is technological determinism to suppose that a conference on Privacy Technology could accept money from the largest privacy-abuser in the world, and as long as its an "unrestricted gift," it's fine.
It's not fine. It's #privacywashing. It influences agendas across the field.
@civodul Interested in your thoughts on #GSoC : given it's historically been for young people, the worry that it is #privacywashing should be on our minds, right? (I so value Guix, and people who work on it are likely to be privacy-conscious people, deepening the problem).
Hardly needs saying, but: Google is a major, structural reason for today's privacy problems on the web. They continue to circumvent privacy tools, and normalize surveillance with all its ill-effects for their own profit.
Hey @article19 I like some of your campaigns and want to support you by spreading the word on your job postings to my network, but I can't if you keep behavior analytics from hotjar and adversarial tracking tool googletagmanager (see: server-side tagging) on your site. I'd look like a hypocrit!
Senate committee presses Meta over data access by developers in "high risk" countries, per 2018 app audit - TechCrunch
Always remember too that it”s a red flag when you see any #SaferInternetDay event that promotes Facebook. #PrivacyWashing https://apple.news/AiZdUtnNNTz-hHvCM9mQ8qA
#saferinternetday #privacywashing
Sur @boulanger@twitter.com, une bannière cookies qui pique les yeux, sans mention d'un quelconque intérêt légitime. Pour retrouver Valiuz et son #PrivacyWashing habituel, il faut aller sur la page "Mes consentements" de votre compte...
Pas vraiment du consentement 😈
Erreur ! Il faut aller dans les CGU pour lire le #PrivacyWashing et... une timide mention du mystérieux partenaire Valiuz 🧐
Thinking of submitting to #RightsCon ? Consider skipping it, and sending them a note to indicate that ongoing sponsorship by Google, Amazon, and Meta "put[s] Rightscon's mission at risk" (https://www.rightscon.org/fundingpolicy/), since those companies are a major structural reason that #privacy is impossible for many whose rights are threatened.
#rightscon #privacy #institutionalcorruption #privacywashing
Und der Schlüssel liegt im Backup des Geräts in der iCloud - geschützt nur MiG einem Passwort.
Data Clean Rooms, the new #PrivacyWashing adtech buzz. Now provided by Amazon AWS https://aws.amazon.com/fr/blogs/industries/introducing-aws-for-advertising-marketing/ 👀
@privacyint Such important, timely work, as always from PI. But I will not attend (nor participate) until #RightsCon does not take funding from privacy abusers. No one should, for this reason:
Would PI consider making a statement as part of your presentation on your views about #privacywashing? Consider these ideas:
Until more people say something, things won't change.
#cpdp #futureprivacyforum #rightscon2022 @aral @downey @alcinnz
#rightscon #privacywashing #cpdp #futureprivacyforum #rightscon2022
effectiveness of ads, we will post them on ad platforms like Google and Facebook in addition to others. People who don’t yet know about Big Tech alternatives use those platforms, and those platforms are a prime way we can reach them.
But what about including a statement in anything that is linked from these platforms explaining your stance on their many privacy harms? If you feel you must engage, at least take steps to limit #privacywashing.
@Volpit Hah, when I wrote that six years ago, it was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manual 🤷♂️
#cpdp2022 #privacyWashing #institutionalCorruption #privacy #tech #humanRights
#humanrights #tech #privacy #institutionalcorruption #privacywashing #CPDP2022
Ah si i supervillain del capitalismo della sorveglianza
che sponsorizzano un evento sulla privacy è come quando Eni sponsorizza il festival di Sanremo e dice che ci tiene all'ambiente, solo che almeno il festival non è sull'ambiente.
La cosa che fa più ridere (per non piangere) è che lì in mezzo ci sia l'EDPS e che non si sia ritirato dopo aver visto gli sponsor.