JennieMacfie Queen of Teacups · @JMacfie
390 followers · 2018 posts · Server

Just checking that we all understand this: the world isn't ruled by any more, it's the and their owners who are grabbing everything before there's nothing left to grab, are looking to save themselves and a few loyal slaves/footsoldiers (soon to be replaced by robots, AI etc) and the rest of us are entirely dispensable.
They know the of is coming; they've known for . Hence the and

#Bunkers #stockades #privateIslands #decades #civilisation #breakdown #oligarch #multinationals #governments

Last updated 1 year ago

Anything to distract ppl while they kill ppl. We suppose.

Imagining the on their going, "What can we do to create an new entertaining war?" and how much do we pay Mr Starlink for this birds-eye-view of it?"

#oligarchs #privateIslands

Last updated 2 years ago

@Thesamnode @samuraikid
The bigger problem than the forced sale of property will be that the seem to be hoping for a .

They have bought , , and possibly mercenary cops who grew weary during protests.

This appears to be what they are banking on. Signalling even. One falseflag to blame the next stockMarket crash on and they'll be off the hook again. And will watch the chaos remotely.

(see also the 2019 )

#oligarchs #civilwar #yachts #privateIslands #GeorgeFloyd #cyberattack #repoCrisis

Last updated 3 years ago

The is, it's good for us and science.

But a big part of involves building that can reliably traverse, surveil and collect items from far away places.

Why on earth (pun intended) would they need to throw money at that?

#automation #hCaptcha #massLine #spaceexploration #autonomousDrones #replacement #recaptcha #privateIslands #GreenZones #jeffreyEpsteinClass #dronewarfare #cloudflare #tesla #spacex

Last updated 4 years ago

We will be facing much bigger threats than even , like the post- collapse.

Expect the to barracade themselves from the rest of us.

That's when things will really get ugly. Think , , , on every street corner and every .

That's when we really need to be worried. We need to fight for in an depleted future?

#climatechange #peakoil #extremelyWealthy #privateIslands #dronewarfare #radiationWarfare #masssurveillance #workSite #humanity #energy

Last updated 4 years ago

Yes. For the , it has been a most convenient crisis, affects at a much higher rate than others.

Also a great distraction from the case, criminalising .

We wrote about this recently. If memory serves our toot about the covers how power benefitting from

Seems to be an excuse for so we can be controlled from their by .

#powerElite #blackpeople #julianassange #journalism #repoScandal #COVID19 #extremeSurveillance #privateIslands #ai

Last updated 4 years ago

Seeing protestor remove protective gear from police is a very powerful.

The right to an is the right to live your life.

In the same breathe we need to be aware that the are buying up spaces in like . They're likely hiring the most brutal at bargain prices.

Stay vigilant. Our thoughts are with you.

#abortion #CEOs #bugOutLocations #privateIslands #police #privatePoliceForce #humanrights #evacuateTheCity #deleteHighrise #deleteCentralBankers #jeffreyepstein

Last updated 4 years ago

They're going to get out of the and head to the and fairly soon.

Could be what we are about to see?


#cities #coasts #privateIslands #OccupyTheHamptons

Last updated 4 years ago