From the archives:
Britain is the world centre for private military contractors – and it's almost impossible to find out what they're up to.
The battle between armed security guard at the two hotels in #LagunaBeach apparently is a result of a dispute between between two real estate investors "both parties hiring armed security and attempting to force the other from the businesses". Apparently that dispute included a "20-person physical altercation" between the "security guards" #crime #privatearmy
#lagunabeach #crime #privatearmy
Pip’s nighttime plan to “enlist for India as a private soldier” in Charles Dickens’s “Great Expectations” (1861). #111Words #Pip #GreatExpectations #CharlesDickens #India #EastIndiaCompany #PrivateSoldier #PrivateArmy
#privatearmy #privatesoldier #eastindiacompany #india #charlesdickens #greatexpectations #pip #111words
Just think of all the NEW #IRS AGENTS
As #worldeconomicforum
to #carbon tax U
out of existence
#buildbackbetter #carbon #privatearmy #worldeconomicforum #IRS