This prick just flew over my head again. He seems to divert from a direct route just to go over Assen. In a climate emergency it really should be illegal to fly aircraft like this just for fun.
#privateplane #l39 #privatejet #absolutelytonedeafidiot #climatevillain #n139le
#privateplane #l39 #privatejet #absolutelytonedeafidiot #ClimateVillain #n139le
4/14/23 CREW Request to #Garland & #Roberts for #Investigation of Justice #ClarenceThomas’ #conduct to determine whether he #violated the #EthicsinGovernment #Act by repeatedly accepting #privateplane #travel and #luxury #vacation #trips over two decades without #disclosing them as #gifts or in-kind travel-reimbursements on his #financial disclosure reports & by engaging in #realestate# transactions without properly #disclosing them on his #financialdisclosure reports.
#garland #roberts #investigation #clarencethomas #conduct #violated #ethicsingovernment #act #privateplane #travel #luxury #vacation #trips #disclosing #gifts #financial #RealEstate #financialdisclosure