La privatisation de l’eau est une escroquerie
Au Royaume-Uni, les compagnies d’eau se sont endettées tout en déversant des eaux usées dans les cours d’eau, en faisant grimper les factures et en permettant à leurs actionnaires de réaliser d’énormes bénéfices. Pour mettre fin à cette situation, il faut que le gouvernement leur reprenne la gestion de l’eau. Source : Jacobin, Prem SikkaTraduit […]
#Économie #Eau #privatisation #Royaume-Uni #Économie #Eau #privatisation #Royaume-Uni
#economie #Eau #privatisation #Royaume
Tories ‘spending twice as much on private health companies as on GPs’ – SKWAWKBOX
#tories #gps #privatehealthcare #NHS #privatisation
What a lark privatisation is. For everyone except consumers.
"Former NSW energy minister Matt Kean said he was told extending Eraring's life would cost $3 billion... due to the rising cost of coal."
There was a time when the state of NSW owned and operated the electricity supply chain, from coal face to meter box, charging consumers cost + maintenance + reinvestment - designed and managed by engineers.
Imagine electricity bills today if such a commonsense, commonwealth arrangement were still in place.
#nswpol #auspol #privatisation #privatization #energy
#African #unions push for own solutions to cycle of #SovereignDebt
Several African governments avoid defaults through unpopular, harsh, repressive #austerity measures. Governments set aside unfathomable amounts of public finance to service debts.
#Africa #union #ITUC #FES #ITUCAfrica #AfDB #IMF #WorldBank #privatisation #privatization
#African #unions #sovereigndebt #austerity #africa #union #ituc #FES #itucafrica #afdb #imf #worldbank #privatisation #privatization
#SriLanka "#SlaveLabour bill" threatens to remove 13 pro-labour laws
"The government and the #IMF have made this situation worse by increasing indirect taxes, removing subsidies for working people and promoting harmful #privatisation, without a political mandate. As a result, more than half of all Sri Lankans have reduced their food intake. And half a million families have stopped using electricity.”
#privatization #exploitation #corruption #AbuseOfPower #capitalism #ClassWar #union #unions
#srilanka #slavelabour #imf #privatisation #privatization #exploitation #corruption #abuseofpower #capitalism #classwar #union #unions
#Skwawkbox | #Doctors point out damage done to #NHS by #privatisation that both #Tories and #Labour want to increase
#labour #tories #privatisation #nhs #doctors #SKWAWKBOX
Est-il légitime de payer des nouveaux traitements à plus de trois millions d’euros quand ils ont été développés avant tout grâce à de l’argent public ? Pourquoi l’administration en charge de négocier les prix des médicaments ne disposent-elles pas des informations nécessaires comme le coût de production, l’investissement réel des industriels dans le développement du médicament, les marges des intermédiaires, l’ensemble des aides publiques reçues ? Quand le prix exorbitant de traitements princeps menace notre système de santé alors qu’un industriel comme Sanofi annonce des dividendes en hausse, dépassant les 4 milliards de dollars
How India’s Economy and Hindutva Rise Together
India’s middle class has been the big winner from a deregulated economy. In turn, that middle class helps fuel the rise of populism and Hindutva.
#economy #IndianMiddleClass #hindutva #populism #neoliberalism #privatisation #deregulation #labour #GujaratModel #BJP #business #industry #india
#economy #indianmiddleclass #hindutva #populism #neoliberalism #privatisation #deregulation #labour #gujaratmodel #BJP #business #industry #india
This ⤵️ from The People’s’ Assembly:
National Demonstration to Protest The #Tory Party Conference in #Manchester on October 1st
“The #Tories have the audacity to return to Manchester in October for their annual conference. It's crucial we collectively come together en-masse to give them the biggest, boldest and loudest unwelcome!
This vile, vicious and corrupt government cannot be allowed to attend their conference without opposition. Their programme of ideological and unnecessary #austerity, #privatisation, #profiteering, #deregulation attacks on our democratic rights to protest and organise at work (and so much more) must be resisted.
It's crucial we fight back, resist the transfer of wealth to the very rich they and crush all attempts to weaken and demoralise us as a class. History tells us that when ordinary working class people come together on the issues we agree on, get organised and collectively fight back in big numbers, we force our governments to meet our political demands..
Achieving the right to vote, trade union rights, our welfare state and NHS, abolishing slavery (and more) were all achieved despite massive opposition and against huge odds. Our ancestors refused to give up, so we must refuse to be discouraged and continue our fight for the better, fairer world we deserve.
First we get rid of the Tories. Then we look at next steps and strongly hold to account any subsequent government that does not act in our interests.”
#tory #manchester #tories #austerity #privatisation #profiteering #deregulation
Meet Trump’s Favorite Edupreneur: Erika Donalds - “Betsy DeVos was a disaster,” says Legg. “I think Erika Donalds could be worse.” via @dianeravitch #Privatisation
Watching a fantastic #Channel4 doc on the #privatisation of the railways. So good that the problems with this plan are being highlighted by a national broadcaster, more people need to see this. #BritishRail #PrivatisationFail #Railways
#channel4 #privatisation #britishrail #privatisationfail #railways
Faut-il scolariser ses enfants dans le privé pour qu’ils réussissent ? #éducation #privé #privatisation #politique #fiscalité #économie #société #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #societe #economie #fiscalite #politique #privatisation #prive #education
THE Great NHS Heist is a MUST WATCH for anyone who values this extremely important public institution.
“The #NHS has been deliberately undermined, repurposed and de-funded over decades.
Overstretched and dangerous by design, it is not prepared to cope with the current challenge.
Our film clearly sets out how the nation and the NHS has been betrayed by our politicians and the media that fail to challenge their deception.” #privatisation
Making a profit from Illness | THE DIRTY WAR ON THE NHS | John Pilger Health System Documentary
“Designed to give millions of people "freedom from fear" the #NHS today is under threat of being sold off and converted to a free market model inspired by America's disastrous health insurance system, which results in the death every year of an estimated 45,000 people.”
#privatisation #documentary
#documentary #privatisation #nhs
ILEC Response: Toward Addressing and Resolving Disparities in Reading Outcomes in Minnesota - The unscientific Science of Reading forces continue selling their privatized hogwash. via @plthomasEdD #Privatisation
Exarcheia: A year of occupation and the struggle for public space - Freedom News
While the permanent police presence in the heart of Exarcheia is worrying in some ways, it is less dangerous than the future heralded by the construction work.
The residents of Exarcheia are not alone in their struggle to defend their neighbourhood from the economic forces rapidly reshaping Greece. The combined effects of property investment, privatisation and unchecked tourism are making themselves felt across the country.
#resistance #greece #exarcheia #hegemony #privatisation #exploitation #neoliberalism #predatorycapitalism
#resistance #greece #exarcheia #hegemony #privatisation #exploitation #neoliberalism #predatorycapitalism
« Je suis un médecin enseignant, et là, chaque année, on a des résidents qui terminent leur spécialité en médecine de famille et, tout de suite, ils vont au privé. C'est rendu un choix comme un autre, et ça, je trouve que c'est très problématique. »
Un nombre record de 641 médecins au privé au #Québec
#quebec #santeqc #priveensante #privatisation #soinsdesante #polqc
Make Privatisation Illegal
Stop the failed profit driven evil of society. Privatisation brings the world down in a sinking ship of managers who ignore good services because they are only focused on shareholders and profit. A nationalised company can still be profitable to breakeven. It’s not important to make millions its more important to provide good services for all.
#privatisation #nationalisation #profiteering #SocialGood #AntiFashism #politics #socialism
#socialism #politics #antifashism #socialgood #profiteering #nationalisation #privatisation
The #privatisation of #migrants 'governance' continues as the Govt. triples the fines for landlords & employers who employ or house 'illegal migrants' in the UK.
With fines for first breach of the rule raised from £15k to £45k & repeat breaches at £60k, we can expect it will drive migrants further into the shadow economy, but also expand intrusive checks on people landlords or employers suspect to be so-called 'illegals'.
Its one further screw in the vice of the #Tories inhumanity!
#privatisation #migrants #tories