Privatised water companies spilled raw sewage into English rivers 824 times a day last year. The companies claim they have to pour sewage into water courses due to extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall, but data from the Environment Agency shows there were just over 300,000 sewage spills in 2022, a record dry year.
#rivers #ukpolitics #sewagedumping #privatisedwater #Water
"This is shocking stewardship of assets that were privatised a third of a century ago with the assurance that only the private sector could deliver the scale of investment needed for a cleaner, healthier, water business,” said Mark Hull, the author of the analysis report.
#Sewage #PrivatisedWater #ThamesWater #ToryBritain #Environment #Biodiversity #Rivers
#rivers #biodiversity #Environment #torybritain #ThamesWater #privatisedwater #Sewage
Targets to clean up the majority of England’s rivers, lakes and coastal waters suffering from a cocktail of agricultural & sewage pollution have been pushed back 36 years from 2027 to 2063. Yes 36 years!
Not one English waterway, including rivers, lakes, estuaries & coastal waters is in good ecological and chemical health at present, decimating aquatic wildlife & habitats.
#PrivatisedWater #Environment #Wildlife #Waterways #Rivers #Pollution #UKPolitics #CoastalWaters
#coastalwaters #ukpolitics #Pollution #rivers #waterways #WildLife #Environment #privatisedwater
Targets to clean up the majority of England’s rivers, lakes and coastal waters suffering from a cocktail of agricultural & sewage pollution have been pushed back 36 years from 2027 to 2063. Yes 36 years!
Not one English waterway, including rivers, lakes, estuaries & coastal waters is in good ecological and chemical health at present, decimating aquatic wildlife & habitats.
#PrivatisedWater #Environment #Wildlife #Waterways #Rivers #Pollution #UKPolitics #CoastalWaters
#coastalwaters #ukpolitics #Pollution #rivers #waterways #WildLife #Environment #privatisedwater