Ruth Conniff: Rightwing Ideologues Target Public Schools and Public Funds - “Subprime” voucher schools in church basements and strip malls have “roughly twice the effect of COVID,” in reducing academic performance. via @dianeravitch #privatization
Raymond F. Tirana: The Libertarian Goal for K-12 Schooling - Formed under false pretenses, claiming to “widen opportunities” and to “save poor children from failing schools.” Don’t believe them. via @dianeravitch #privatization
New Orleans Education is Inefficient Expensive and Sad - The all privatized system in New Orleans is a failure. #privatization
The Zombie Politics of Marketing Phonics: "There Is a Sucker Born Every Minute" - There is no national crisis in reading and there is no evidence that the amount of phonics in classrooms would be a solution if there was. via @plthomasEdD #privatization
Understanding the Voucher Scam - The main goal of privatization has always been to gain access to public funds and transfer it into private pockets. via @dianeravitch #privatization
"The Right to Read" is Horse Manure - In the spirit of "Waiting for Superman" this video pushes the corporate "science of reading" phony baloney. #privatization
Arizona’s attorney general Kris Mayes warns voucher families that they need to pay attention to what they’re giving up. “... I’m worried about the potential for fly-by-night companies, fly-by-night schools coming into Arizona...” #privatization
Wisconsin’s public schools and the war on democracy via @WIExaminer #privatization
More than Half of Philadelphia’s Charter Schools Are Under-Enrolled - Choicers in Pennsylvania have been lobbying hard for a new voucher program. But why? #privatization
Relay Graduate School Forced onto DC Black Community #privatization
Feds privatizing helium.
#privatization #neoliberalism #helium
#helium #neoliberalism #privatization
Houston: The Fearful First Day of School in a Micromanaged System - “We were hoping that we’d be so far under the radar that we’d be left alone, but that’s not the case.” via @dianeravitch #privatization
Houston: What Teachers Say About Mike Miles’s “Reforms” - Texas is a state that wants to “prove” public education doesn’t work so it can privatize. via @dianeravitch #privatization
Ed Johnson Asks Why the King Center Is Offering a Platform to 50CAN - In effect, 50CAN and such others “politrick” Black communities into facilitating their own destruction and that of their own children. via @dianeravitch #privatization
As School Reform Devolves to the States, Public Schools Face Unrelenting, Far Right Opposition - In this report Jan shows how the once fringe Friedman agenda is winning. via @janresseger #privatization
NPE Throws Cold Water on CREDO Paper #privatization
What a lark privatisation is. For everyone except consumers.
"Former NSW energy minister Matt Kean said he was told extending Eraring's life would cost $3 billion... due to the rising cost of coal."
There was a time when the state of NSW owned and operated the electricity supply chain, from coal face to meter box, charging consumers cost + maintenance + reinvestment - designed and managed by engineers.
Imagine electricity bills today if such a commonsense, commonwealth arrangement were still in place.
#nswpol #auspol #privatisation #privatization #energy
#Korean #teachers fight government control of #unions, #privatization, commercialization
#Korea #SouthKorea #union #strike #strikes #ClassWar #Exploitation #Unionize #Unionise
#korean #teachers #unions #privatization #korea #southkorea #union #strike #strikes #classwar #exploitation #unionize #unionise
Last month, I've tooted how it took from to weeks up to a month for my letters to go from Paris to Kent.
Some people had it difficult to believe me, here you go :
"Royal Mail’s future in doubt after delivery targets missed in every postcode
Next three months ‘make or break’ for the company, which has lost a tenth of its business to rivals and delivered a £750 million loss
The future of the Royal Mail is in doubt after it failed to hit its delivery targets in every UK postcode this summer.
Households in postage blackspots are waiting up to two weeks for deliveries, putting the NHS under strain as missed hospital appointments become a “continuous occurrence”.
A cancer sufferer who underwent surgery last month said it was “shocking” that letters from his doctor had arrived after he was expected to attend appointments.
A source close to the company said the next three months were “make or break” for Royal Mail after it lost a tenth of its business to rivals in a year of strikes, and delivered a £750 million loss..."
#RoyalMail #Privatization #PublicService #England
#royalmail #privatization #publicservice #england