Nikki Haley Calls Senate A 'Privileged Nursing Home' After McConnell Freezes
#NikkiHaley #Senate #McConnell #Privileged #NursingHome #Freezes #Politics #News
#nikkihaley #senate #mcconnell #privileged #nursinghome #freezes #politics #news
@jcrabapple The grandkids did Six Flags yesterday... next up, Ravens exhibition Saturday for all in the fam but me (#boycottNFL - I #TakeAKnee)... school right after. Where did the time go? Vacays are for the #privileged, so glad you are enjoying a little.
#privileged #boycottnfl #takeaknee
A really interesting thought-piece about how #antisemitism is at the centre of a lot of #racism. It's a really good starting point for solid discussion: (And for those who love to tell me I have no skin in the game because I'm #Jewish and thus, by nature, #privileged, talk to me again once you've read this article.)
#antisemitism #racism #jewish #privileged
“I quit”
“No, we can fix this, don’t quit”
The worst part is that now my wife is disappointed in me for not taking a month vacation before going out to find a new job.
#SCOTUS is ramping up #oppression in “the land of the free.” The hyperbole is breathtaking. Especially from one of the crazies at Al Jazeera. “Bending rules to favour the already #privileged is nothing new in the US.”
#scotus #oppression #privileged
#SonyLeaks I dirigenti della #Sony sono preoccupati che l'indagine fiscale contro #Berlusconi #Mediaset possa coinvolgere anche gli uffici italiani #CBS #Universal, entrambe visitate dagli investigatori..
Rivolgersi alla Baker & #McKenzie..
#Privileged #Confidential
#sonyleaks #sony #berlusconi #mediaset #cbs #universal #McKenzie #privileged #confidential
@drbjork I recently graduated and have been considering entering the lottery... But I still use it's principles from "No Bad Parts," and "Parts Work: An Illustrated Guide to Your Inner Life." I'm pretty turned off by the gatekeeping. . My supervisor is actually in Europe for IFS training as we speak, because there wasn't a lottery hold up there. #privileged
five tips to save money with meat
#CostOfLiving #CostOfLivingCrisis #FoodPoverty #news #privilege #privileged #satire
Excruciata Reees-Mog shares invaluable tips to save money with meat to help those struggling with the cost of living crisis
Hello my lovelies. It's Excruciata here to help you with your everyday problems. I know I have been away for a while and I hope you have all managed to cope without me.
#costofliving #Costoflivingcrisis #Foodpoverty #News #privilege #privileged #satire
five tips to save money with meat
#CostOfLiving #CostOfLivingCrisis #FoodPoverty #news #privilege #privileged #satire
Excruciata Reees-Mog shares invaluable tips to save money with meat to help those struggling with the cost of living crisis
Hello my lovelies. It's Excruciata here to help you with your everyday problems. I know I have been away for a while and I hope you have all managed to cope without me. I ha
#costofliving #Costoflivingcrisis #Foodpoverty #News #privilege #privileged #satire
As our family deals with yet another flight travel debacle (#Westjet strike) I must admit I’ve been checking #Twitter frequently for updates.
A) I’ve really lost faith in the air travel industry. The pandemic really has done them in. I never really feel like a flight is going to go until it’s in the air. (#Privileged I realize.)
B) #Mastodon needs a way to enter emergent corporate event and discourse in a significant way.
#westjet #twitter #privileged #mastodon
Despite this ^ memory of lack & internalized responsibility to look out for younger siblings & conserve every possible resource, I acknowledge that w/in those years of going w/out, receiving charity from neighbors, facing eviction etc., I was & am still very #privileged & do not continue to experience that difficulty, uncertainty & chronic stress. I am driven to provide support, resources & aid due to these memories, but even more I'm angered & vocal about oppressive & fractured systems.
RT @Louise_Firth_IE
The indigenous knowledge fireside chat 🔥💬 is hands down the best panel discussion I have ever heard at a conference. 🙌 We need to strive for a reciprocal rather than transactional relationship with the environment. 🏞️🌊@StoneLivingLab #Humbled #Privileged
No but seriously did you know that all is really #terrible at the global scale (war and death being main export and main entertainment item) and at the same time my tiny little #privileged life is just oh so wonderful. I must invent a god to thank them.
In ihren Songs erzählen sie Geschichten über Liebe, Verlust und Mystik, zurückhaltend & feinsinnig, aber auch heftig & ungestüm. Sie haben King Dude & Drab Majesty supportet.
Donnerstag sind Dune Messiah in der BASTION zu Gast, & wir haben noch Plätze! Reservieren: & 0234-9117790. #EintrittFrei
#NeoFolk #TheIronOak #Privileged #LatinBeats #SpanischeBläser #CroonerBowieGesang #90erJahreLynchSaxophon #Kopenhagen #Konzert #KulturInBochum #Bochum
#eintrittfrei #neofolk #theironoak #privileged #latinbeats #spanischeblaser #croonerbowiegesang #90erjahrelynchsaxophon #kopenhagen #konzert #kulturinbochum #bochum
Erschreckend & schön zugleich, setzen #DuneMessiah ihre dunklen & anspruchsvollen Themen auf ihrem aktuellen Album #Privileged in die Welt. #LatinBeats mit #SpanischenBläsern verschmolzen, eindringlicher #CroonerBowieGesang im Zwiegespräch mit einem #90erJahreLynchSaxophon.
Am 06.04. bei uns. Anmelden:, 0234-9117790. #EintrittFrei.
#NeoFolk #TheIronOak #Privileged #Kopenhagen #Konzert #KulturInBochum #Bochum #StayingUndergroundSince2002
#dunemessiah #privileged #latinbeats #spanischenblasern #croonerbowiegesang #90erjahrelynchsaxophon #eintrittfrei #neofolk #theironoak #kopenhagen #konzert #kulturinbochum #bochum #stayingundergroundsince2002
"Der Mann in Schwarz floh durch die Wüste, und der Revolvermann folgte ihm."
Dieser Satz aus Stephen Kings #DerDunkleTurm fängt perfekt die Atmosphäre der dänischen #NeoFolk-Band #DuneMessiah ein. Dunkel, romantisch & persönlich. Am 06.04. live.
Anmelden:, 0234-9117790. #EintrittFrei
#TheIronOak #Privileged #LatinBeats #CroonerBowieGesang #90erJahreLynchSaxophon #DuneMessiah #Konzert #KulturInBochum #Bochum #StayingUndergroundSince2002
#derdunkleturm #neofolk #dunemessiah #eintrittfrei #theironoak #privileged #latinbeats #croonerbowiegesang #90erjahrelynchsaxophon #konzert #kulturinbochum #bochum #stayingundergroundsince2002
'I would also look sad': Twitter roasts Ben Stein for racist rant saying Black people 'never had it so good'
"If I woke up as a Black person I would think, I have every opportunity to go to a really good school. I have every opportunity to live in a really good neighborhood. I have every opportunity to get a really good job. The whole system is now set up so I, as a Black America, can have every chance at a good life."
#rascist #ignorant #privileged
Tell me you're a rich, #privileged white man who is comfortable with the status quo and doesn't mind #SportsWashing by Saudi Arabia and others without telling me… 😒