Every weekend in the press at the moment I seem to find one or other prominent #politician and/or political commentator, claiming that:
[policy x] is not working, but that's because [policy x] hasn't been implemented in the way it should... it must be done as I intended.
From #Brexit, to #privitisation, from #interestrates to #migration, somehow those who were instrumental in imposing the 'solutions' on us, think they can escape blame by claiming 'its not being done properly'!
#politician #brexit #privitisation #interestrates #migration
More on the creeping #privitisation of the #NHS;
#NovoNordisk, makers of the controversial #sliming jab #Wegovy are funding a range of activities & staff in (and around) NHS #obesity services... the very fact that (as the article notes) none of this is actually illegal, tells you all you need to know about the #Tories #healthcare agenda
The damage to the NHS is not one big thing, but the continual drip, drip, drip of (ignored) conflicts of interest
#privitisation #nhs #novonordisk #sliming #wegovy #obesity #tories #healthcare #SaveOurNHS
#Sydney - the most tolled city in the world ! #privitisation #nswpol #nswvotes #NSWVotes2023 #highwayrobbery
#sydney #privitisation #nswpol #nswvotes #nswvotes2023 #highwayrobbery
If you want to stop the Tories privitising the NHS - and they are doing so with increasing urgency - you should start demanding paid healthcare from your employers now.
Let's see how popular privitisation is to the rich when the poor start demanding they take responsibility.
#tories #privitisation #healthcare #nhs
@BarrenPlanet @AllFallDown @sjwrenlewis
Yes that's what I would say too; the notion that development was based on 'free' markets, #privitisation & deregulation does not actually fit with the real history of development... (I used to a whole lecture on my economics for non-economists course on exactly this issue) - its also why Hodgson's book - How Economics Forgot History, is right on the button!
Here's @sjwrenlewis making there point that the #watercrisis (which is producing disgusting images - both real & imagined - of sewage polluted public waterways & beaches) may be the crucial issue that causes #Tory voters to desert the party at the ballot box... he mobilises evidence to suggest the right-wing and is particularly effected by disgust!
The #Tories, who will be unable to distance themselves from water #privitisation & its effects may find this a problem!
#watercrisis #tory #tories #privitisation
On the one hand, the Govt. wants the 'economically inactive' to return to work, as part to its response to the shortage of #workers experienced in many sectors (party driven by #Brexit)...
On the other, its under-funding of pre-school care (its effective #privitisation), means #childcare costs for a full-time space for a child under two currently site at £14,000!
You may recall the old phrase 'joined up government'; this is a classic example of the disconnect that JUG was intended to solve!
#workers #brexit #privitisation #childcare
It's this sort of thing that happens behind closed doors in so many areas of life.
Jo public is completely unaware it's happening (until it's too late and the damage has been done).
We certainly haven't been asked to vote on whether or not it should happen, and is the way forward.
#privitisation #dictatorship #fuckthetories #gtto
Broadly speaking I don't have much time for petitions as a political instrument - they seem to be little more than a cry of pain... but after various posts in the last few days it would be remiss of me not to pass on details of this anti-#NHS #privitisation petition, which popped up in my timeline just now... you'll have seen the invite to sign once already but here it is again; at the very least we can register our dismay!
Here's the conclusion of @financialtimes OpEd this morning on the #NHS crisis... this call for a fully-fledged review of the #NHS remains timely (it has been when called for before), but the key issue is that such a review mustn't be a trojan horse for #privitisation - coming from the FT many may think it is such a trojan horse, but on the FT's current political trajectory, I'm going to take them at their word! Lets hope their readers-of-influence do to!
https://weownit.org.uk/blog/victory-channel-4-privatisation-scrapped. Yay! Channel 4 remain public hands! #Channel4 #Privitisation #PublicSector
#publicsector #privitisation #channel4
UK total budget £900B/yr
NHS £180B
47% budget spent on staff
is more efficient and will seek to maximize profit by any means possible.
as seen across the services they have taken over, they do not care about end users, employees and working conditions.
they will happy let current staff leave the service to be replaced by cheaper foreign workers.
also with the sick dying in droves have a healthier population to manage.
#NHS #privitisation #disastercapitaism
Used way less electricity this month but paying way more for it so it's first month that the direct debit hasn't covered it.
Those standing charges are an insult.
El Gov paying £4.5 billion to allow Bulb to be taken on and yet we pay for their failure.
Still you have to rig the system to make the ideology appear to work.
#CostOfLiving #privitisation
https://weownit.org.uk/take-west-coast-mainline-public-ownership Email the transport & rail secretary’s to demand they take the West Coast Mainline into public ownership. #railway #transport #publicownership #privitisation #trains
#trains #privitisation #publicownership #transport #railway
for the last few decades we've conducted a major social experiment with #infrastructure #privitisation;
Surely, its time to assess the overall results & consider the experiment at best unevenly 'successful' or at worst a failure, not that anyone will reach such a general conclusion!
#water #railways #energy #infrastructure #privitisation