hesgen · @hesgen
562 followers · 2554 posts · Server mstdn.media


Indeed I will, as my petition has been rejected by the petitions committee.

"It calls for an action relating to a particular individual, or organisation outside of the UK Government or Parliament."

"In any case we can't accept petitions about honours or appointments, including appointments to the Privy council. Appointments to the Privy Council are made by the Sovereign and are for life."

So that's that.

#BorisJohnson #privycouncil

Last updated 1 year ago

Donald Roy · @djr
93 followers · 2115 posts · Server union.place

The next step up would be for someone - presumably either the or the - to recommend to the that he be removed from the . I had assumed that this had happened only in the cases of former jailed for criminal offences - such as and I have since found out that this also happened to sixty years ago after he had admitted lying to the .

#lordpresident #pennymordaunt #primeminister #rishisunak #king #privycouncil #cabinetmnisters #jonathanaitken #chrishuhne #johnprofumo #houseofcommons

Last updated 1 year ago

hesgen · @hesgen
557 followers · 2495 posts · Server mstdn.media

I have created a petition to expel Boris Johnson from the Privy Council. The petition needs at least five sponsors to go forward.

If you support the call to expel Johnson from the Privy Council, and have a UK postcode, please sponsor the petition by clicking on the following link...


#BorisJohnson #privycouncil

Last updated 1 year ago

Donald Roy · @djr
89 followers · 2008 posts · Server union.place

The other two possible sanctions would require action by the rather than the authorities. One would be to remove him from the . This has happened in the cases of former convicted of serious criminal offices - most recently and . Presumably the would have to recommend this to the . Although conceivable this seems unlikely to me.

#ukgovernment #houseofcommons #privycouncil #cabinetmnisters #jonathanaitken #chrishuhne #lordpresident #king

Last updated 1 year ago

Donald Roy · @djr
86 followers · 1918 posts · Server union.place


The does in fact have a political office including the title . This is that of of the They preside over the and are the leader of the .The current one both proclaimed last September and carried the at the . Although called they do not actually sit in the . The current is .

#uk #president #lord #Council #privycouncil #houseofcommons #kingcharlesiii #swordofstate #coronation #houseoflords #lordpresident #pennymordaunt

Last updated 1 year ago

Coman FULLARD · @comanfullard
54 followers · 102 posts · Server dice.camp

Add the following to your character sheet:

Pocket tape of prodigious length & strength

Mistress LaCuve, the gatekeeper, steps down from the dais to a manhole cover in the far corner. She inserts a key and recites the chapter’s common prayer “Righty tighty. Lefty loosey”. You hear the movement of a locking mechanism. The gatekeeper heaves open the circular iron covering. Your drow eyes can make out the iron ladder which will take you into the Deep-Works.

#SpireRPG #WeirdCisterns #privycouncil

Last updated 2 years ago

Coman FULLARD · @comanfullard
54 followers · 99 posts · Server dice.camp

The masked quartermaster speaks "You have chosen a tape measure taken from the defeated corpse of the Aelfir wizard, Righteous-Green-Lizard. This is a storied relic made from iron-spider silk - it is lightweight, rumoured to be indestructible, and of miraculous length - the old tales tell that no one has yet unwound it in its entirety.

Before I hand it over you must formally identify yourself"

#SpireRPG #WeirdCisterns #privycouncil

Last updated 2 years ago

Coman FULLARD · @comanfullard
54 followers · 99 posts · Server dice.camp

"That wiley old cannibal & his carnivores are not to be trifled with but if she is there then we must have her back at the altar. You will traverse the tunnels, extract the Countessa from King Teeth’s jaws & reunite her with her betrothed. St. Marius guide you on your quest.”

The quartermaster speaks “take a holy relic of the Order of to aid you in your journeying.” Three items are laid out: a measuring tape, a pair of sturdy boots and a set of keys.

#SpireRPG #WeirdCisterns #privycouncil

Last updated 2 years ago

Coman FULLARD · @comanfullard
54 followers · 99 posts · Server dice.camp

The "Royal Meat Eater" has sent us a message, up the pipe, from his “Summer Palace” as he so styles it, hidden somewhere in the Deep Works. He claims to have the Countessa in his possession. A guest of his court, no less. No mention of a ransom, just a polite notification. “Noblesse Oblige”. We don’t know if he intends to eat her or marry her - maybe both.

#SpireRPG #WeirdCisterns #privycouncil

Last updated 2 years ago

Coman FULLARD · @comanfullard
51 followers · 85 posts · Server dice.camp

“Mere days before a wedding that would unite two of Spires most emminent clans, the young prospective bride, Countessa Seoid Destera has disappeared along with her guardian, worthy brother Ser Anuran, a knight of this very order. The successful conclusion of this matrimonial contract will bring influence and honour to the order. Further interruption will bring shame and penury.

And now, we have word from the Deep Works - from King Teeth himself!

#SpireRPG #WeirdCisterns #privycouncil

Last updated 2 years ago

Coman FULLARD · @comanfullard
52 followers · 88 posts · Server dice.camp

Leaving the heaving floor of the main hall, you push through the moon decorated door to the chamber where the Privy Council are ensconced. The three leaders of your chapter sit on a raised dais at the far end of the room. Each is adorned with their chains of office and are seated on porcelain thrones.

“Ah, Dam Littlehammer, good. Our order needs you” say's Grandmaster Hagan. The others sit in stoic silence while the Grandmaster tells you her sorry tale.

#SpireRPG #WeirdCisterns #privycouncil

Last updated 2 years ago