@Bigthinkingcap @Bigthinkingcap This is why you should really swap “#ProLife” for pro-forced birth in most cases. Most people claiming to be “pro life” oppose public healthcare, immigration, welfare, gun control, social security, living wages, income equality,… everything they stand for is contrary to being “pro life”, so we more accurately call them #proForcedBirth instead.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom's tweet :
#California #politics #walgreens #Democrats #Republican #abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsMedicalCare #women #prochoice #proForcedBirth
#california #politics #walgreens #democrats #republican #abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsMedicalCare #women #prochoice #proForcedBirth
BREAKING: California's Governor Gavin
Newsom has just announced that his state will NOT do business with Walgreens any longer. This comes after Walgreens refused to sell abortion pills in 20 states where they are still LEGAL.
If Republicans want to threaten Walgreens to take peoples' rights away then I am fine with Newsom threatening Walgreens to give people their rights back, especially when those are LEGAL rights.
I'm sick of watching Republicans try and dictate what private companies do. It's time that Democrats fight back to counter their fascism. I call or other Governors to do the same.
#news #politics #walgreens #Democrats #Republican #abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsMedicalCare #women #prochoice #proForcedBirth
#news #politics #walgreens #democrats #republican #abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsMedicalCare #women #prochoice #proForcedBirth
“I meant to kick your phone!”
#abortion #roevwade #prochoice #proForcedBirth
Florida woman argues her unborn baby should be released from jail
Yvette Harrell was six weeks pregnant when she fatally shot another woman.
Now in prison awaiting trial, she claims her unborn baby is being unlawfully detained.
In an emergency petition in a Florida court, Ms Harrell's lawyer argued that jail staff have endangered the child through "a lack of reasonable and necessary prenatal care".
The argument draws on the concept that a foetus is a person with rights.
The idea that an unborn child is a person with constitutional protections has gained traction since the US Supreme Court overturned the nationwide right to an abortion, known as Roe v Wade, last summer.
#abortion #proForcedBirth #prochoice #Florida #roevwade #women #Democrats #fuckaroundfindout
#abortion #proForcedBirth #prochoice #florida #roevwade #women #democrats #fuckaroundfindout
A Florida couple is unable to terminate their pregnancy despite their baby being diagnosed with a fatal fetal abnormality called Potter syndrome due to a new Florida law that bans abortions after 15 weeks, except in certain circumstances.
Doctors have cited the interpretation of the law as the reason for being unable to perform the procedure, leaving the couple with no choice but to bid farewell to their child shortly after the baby is delivered.
The new law has left the couple angry and frustrated, and the state's Republican governor Ron DeSantis maintains a staunch anti-abortion/pro-forced-birth stance.
Earlier this month, DeSantis said that he would sign a six-week abortion ban if one passed.
“We’re for pro-life,” DeSantis said. “I urge the legislature to work, produce good stuff, and we will sign. That’s what I’ve always wanted to do.”
#news #summarized #democrats #Republicans #politics #abortion #abortionisessential #AbortionIsAHumanRight #women #proForcedBirth #prochoice #fetus #Florida
#news #summarized #democrats #republicans #politics #abortion #abortionisessential #AbortionIsAHumanRight #women #proForcedBirth #prochoice #fetus #florida
The birth rate is going down!!!
Humanity is going extinct if we don't force women to give birth to crotch goblins they didn't want.
#abortion #birthrate #women #conservative #republicans #Democrats #proForcedBirth
#abortion #birthrate #women #conservative #republicans #democrats #proForcedBirth
I may have sworn a blue streak when Youtube served me this ad.
It's not even an American thing : the guy has a very thick Scottish (?) accent.
#abortion #proforcedbirth
Carole Rose Livingston had it right about the pro-forced-birthers:
“I am a friend of the fetus,
A friend of incomparable worth.
I am a friend of the fetus,
Right up to the moment of birth.”
[”I Am a Friend of the Foetus”
Provided to YouTube by Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
I Am a Friend of the Foetus · Carole Rose Livingston and Mark Dann
CooP - Fast Folk Musical Magazine (Vol. 2, No. 4) Political Song]
#abortion #prolife #proForcedBirth #oldtwitterposts
[Common #antiAbortion] language – “someone” (embryo), “unborn child”, “mother” (without a baby being born) – is dishonest and deceptive, raising emotions to manipulate people.
Contraception isn’t perfect.
An embryo is not comparable to a living, breathing, thinking, feeling baby or child.
[#antiChoice “#proLife” #proForcedBirth #abortion #alternativeFacts #OldTwitterPosts]
#antiabortion #antichoice #prolife #proForcedBirth #abortion #alternativefacts #oldtwitterposts
It’s not “pro-life”. It’s #proForcedBirth.
#oldtwitterposts #proForcedBirth
[Anti-abortion / "pro-life" / #proForcedBirth] advocates generally show] No concern for zygotes or embryos in IVF clinics. #Republican and #evangelical #abortion outrage is all about control, all about erasing the personhood of the PEOPLE who are pregnant.
NOTHING gets to use a pregnant person’s body, even for survival, without her consent.
#proForcedBirth #republican #evangelical #abortion #oldtwitterposts
@lightweight @hn250 #Nebraska was not not even on my list of #proForcedBirth anti- #abortion states, which often tend to be in redneck bible-belt areas.
#nebraska #proForcedBirth #abortion