WATCH: Aggressive #proabortion professor vandalizes table at #HunterCollege, accuses #prolife students of ‘violence’
#proabortion #HunterCollege #prolife
I am, by the way, still waiting for the new abortion leadership to emerge. Because I am not, by any power on earth, going to continue to support any of the various activist organizations who landed us in a situation where Dobbs could happen.
I'm not following the entities who had no game plan in place for when Roe fell. (and I mean between the leak and the official ruling as well as for the entirety of the Trump administration). I'm not following any entities who never fought to get abortion codified in federal law. I'm not following any abortion entity who still thinks the fight is about choice and not autonomy, freedom, and the 14th amendment.
Where are the new leaders? Who are the new entities taking this fight to the Congress and the statehouses and the Auntie networks and the home abortion classes?
I am #proAbortion #feminist #notMessingAround #enraged and looking for leaders who get it.
#proabortion #feminist #notmessingaround #enraged
I am *relentlessly* #proabortion For any reason at all.
In case you missed that before now.
Revel in my latest mug/political hit piece. Happy #internationalwomensday everybody!!! 🥳🥳🥳
#proabortion #internationalwomensday
It seems the hashtags in our profiles might not be searchable, so I'm pinning this to help find like-minded people. 🧵
#mybodymychoice #neurodivergent #nonviolence #origami #photography #PlannedParenthood #poetry #proabortion #prochoice #prochoiceisprolife #protecttranskids #ptsd #queerchristian #queerchristianity #quotes #racialjustice #ReadHarder #reading #ReadingChallenge #ReproductiveRights #scifi #selfcare #sff #spoonie #spoontheory #thefutureisaccessible #translivesaresacred
How grotesque and inappropriate.
How grotesque and inappropriate.
How grotesque and inappropriate.
Yeah, I'm #proabortion. If you want an abortion, I think you should be able to get one.
Guess I need to wear a #proabortion T-shirt tomorrow: #MarchForForcedBirth
#proabortion #marchforforcedbirth
Time to get serious about mirroring content from the bird site.
Starting with ye ‘ol pinned tweet:
#UnpopularOpinion #Abortion If life begins at conception, then so does the pregnant parent’s right to revoke consent to having their fluids, tissues, bones, and organs used to sustain that life.
#ProAbortion #ProChoice #ReproductiveRights
#reproductiverights #prochoice #proabortion #abortion #unpopularopinion
I never actually did an #Introduction for the #TwitterMigration so I'll say a bit about me and #HashtagMyHeartOut.
I'm Izzy, I like they/them pronouns best but any will do. I am #NonBinary and #Bisexual although I do like to just say I'm #Queer because it just feels right. I'm looking for more mutuals and good accounts to follow. Let's overshare a bit!
I'm a #Millenial in #ColoradoSprings #Colorado and recovering from a bad #Fracture and generally having a lot of health problems. I have #LowBoneDensity #Arthritis #ChronicPain #IBS (maybe #IBD). I can't promise not to #shitpost about #diarrhea. I'd #LiveToot my #Colonoscopy but I will be thankfully unconscious. I also deal with #Psychosis #Depression #Insomnia #AnxietyDisorder #PanicAttack #ADHD but mostly do okay because I am #Medicated with #Prescriptions as well as #Dank #Cannabis that I grow in my #Garden.
I will probably frequently post about #COPolitics and #USPolitics from my #Leftist perspective. I support the rights of Queer and BIPOC Americans to arm themselves. A few more hashtags: #LGBTQIA2S #QueersBashBack #MutualAid #HousingIsAHumanRight #ProAbortion #AbortionRights #BodilyAutonomy #AntiFascist #BlackLivesMatter #AntiRacist #TransRights #HumanRights #ACAB #DecriminalizeSexWork #SexWorkIsRealWork #WorkersRights #Unions #copol #Disability #ChronicIllness #Accessibility #Decriminalization #PrisonAbolition #CriminalJusticeReform #CovidIsntOver
I feel like I forgot a bunch of stuff and I have a ton of interests and hobbies but that's a shitton of hashtags to start with.
#Introduction #twittermigration #hashtagmyheartout #nonbinary #bisexual #queer #millenial #coloradosprings #colorado #fracture #lowbonedensity #Arthritis #chronicpain #ibs #IBD #shitpost #diarrhea #LiveToot #colonoscopy #psychosis #depression #insomnia #anxietydisorder #panicattack #adhd #medicated #prescriptions #dank #cannabis #garden #copolitics #uspolitics #leftist #lgbtqia2s #queersbashback #MutualAid #housingisahumanright #proabortion #abortionrights #BodilyAutonomy #antifascist #blacklivesmatter #AntiRacist #transrights #humanrights #acab #decriminalizesexwork #sexworkisrealwork #workersrights #Unions #COpol #disability #chronicillness #accessibility #decriminalization #prisonabolition #criminaljusticereform #CovidIsntOver
Beware your blood pressure: many people in MS do not know that Dobbs mean that forced-birthers passed what is, in effect, a total abortion ban, and rape survivors, even (perhaps especially) teen and children.
The state doesn't have the resources
#Abortion #AbortionIsHealthcare #ProAbortion #BodilyAutonomy
#bodilyautonomy #proabortion #abortionishealthcare #abortion
A thousand protestors showed up for the final day of Love Life's 40 week prayer walk. #proabortion #WeEngage
First, for those that don't follow me on twitter: ABORTION!
This is a great day to remind you that self-managed medication abortion is safe!
For those who can access both mifepristone & misoprostol, WHO recommends: 1)
Swallow 200mg mifepristone 2) Wait
24-48 hours 3) Dissolve 800mcg (4 pills)
misoprostol between cheek & gums. #ProAbortion #Abortion #MidtermWins
#proabortion #abortion #midtermwins
Hi, I'm Nikki. I'm a Twitter refugee.
My interests? #adoptees #adopteevoices #proabortion #Italy #progressivepolitics #blacklivesmatter
#adoptees #adopteevoices #proabortion #italy #progressivepolitics #blacklivesmatter
I'm looking for folks around here who are interested in #diving, #proabortion, #reproductivehealthcare, #cycling #food #drinks #bigisland. Know any good follows on that subject? Boosts welcome! :D
#diving #proabortion #ReproductiveHealthcare #cycling #food #drinks #bigisland
Hi. I'm Ophelia. I'm a Twitter refugee and I'm completely lost here.
My interests? #atheism #adopteevoices #proabortion #history #astronomy #enneagram6 #photography #cannabis #gardening #houseplants
and probably a bunch of other stuff.
#houseplants #gardening #cannabis #photography #enneagram6 #astronomy #history #proabortion #adopteevoices #atheism
Let's be friends ✨
• I'm a #comicartist and #illustrator and I draw #videogames for work atm!
• I have three adorable #cats and some more decided to live in my garden since the pandemic
• I'm interested in #tarot and #witchcraft and I'd love to read more about it on my feed
• #ProAbortion #antifascist against every form of racism and injustice
• LOVE #ireland and I hope to live there soon
• love to learn new #languages and #cultures
#cultures #languages #ireland #antifascist #proabortion #witchcraft #tarot #cats #videogames #illustrator #comicartist #introductionpost