Last day of #bayescomp2023, I very much enjoyed yesterday’s panel on #ProbabilisticProgramming. Looking forward to today’s schedule.
#bayescomp2023 #probabilisticprogramming
I had an interesting conversation about #BNP models in #PPLs today, discussing along other things whether truncation is enough (obvious no).
What are your thoughts about BNP priors in #ProbabilisticProgramming? And how to improve automated interference for them?
#bnp #ppls #probabilisticprogramming #bayesian #machinelearning
Hi everyone 👋
I'm an Assistant Professor at Utrecht University's dept. of Methodology & Statistics, working in data science for the social sciences.
I do not post a lot, but when I do it's likely about #statistics #datascience #probabilisticprogramming #syntheticdata #openscience #rstats or #teaching
I'm also the (proud) team lead of the ODISSEI Social Data Science team: So I'll probably post about all the cool things our team does too!
#introduction #statistics #datascience #probabilisticprogramming #syntheticdata #openscience #rstats #teaching