Check out Meihua Dang and Anji Liu's #NeurIPS2022 paper where tractable probabilistic circuits kill it on MNIST-family density estimation 🥳
What are #probcircuit? Attend tomorrow's tutorial:
Hi all, my #introduction:
I'm a prof at #UCLA CS, living in #LosAngeles, and researching #ArtificialIntelligence.
I enjoy bridging #machinelearning with probabilistic and logical #reasoning.
That makes me work on probabilistic programming (#probprog), tractable probabilistic models (e.g., #probcircuit), and #neurosymbolic #AI.
Looking forward to some more authentic discourse about AI on this platform.
#Introduction #ucla #losangeles #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #reasoning #probprog #probcircuit #neurosymbolic #ai