@thatguyoverthere @BrodieOnLinux
Just use a pencil or pen to tick out those you used. #ProblemSolved
Sarcasm aside, they also allow and encourage me to store my recovery codes seperately, thus they can also allow me to do the same with #TANs to #2FA, and with #iTAN they mitigate or at least vastly reduce the success rate of shouldersurfers gaining valid TANs...
#itan #2fa #tans #problemsolved
I've been asking for someone to create a coffee robot for years and it just now occurred to me that I should just find a 6 cup thermos.
So, all we have to do is put stop signs in the water?
@sheislaurence @emmanuelc ah bien jouĂ© ! Mon piĂšge fait maison lâa fait rigoler plusieurs nuits de suite (elle a mangĂ© mon fromage sans tomber dedans). Et le piĂšge achetĂ© nâa pas marchĂ© du tout. Mais finalement ce matin je lâai trouvĂ©e dans la poubelle sous lâĂ©vier un peu empĂȘtrĂ©e dans le sac. Du coup je lâai emmenĂ©e faire un tour loin de la maison :p #problemSolved
@HugeGameArtGD @som_snytt @TomLarrow Or you could just write proper documentation that is easily searchable...
Die Deutschen und EuropÀer lieben es doch auf alles mögliche zu #Wetten.
Warum eröffnen wir nicht ein WettbĂŒro ĂŒber #Klimakatastrophen?
Die Quoten sind momentan:
- #Waldbrand in Deutschland 1:1,125
- #Hurrikan in Deutschland 1:3
- #Wasserknappheit in Deutschland 1:1,001
- #Ăberschwemmung 1:2,5
- #Hitzetote ĂŒber 10.000 - 1:2
- #AsylantrÀge < 100.000 in D. in 2023 1:5
- #ErnteausfÀlle 1:1,001
Keine Besteuerung drauf und die gesamten Gewinne gehen in den Klimaschutz!
#problemsolved #Klima #Idee
#wetten #klimakatastrophen #Waldbrand #hurrikan #Wasserknappheit #uberschwemmung #hitzetote #asylantrage #ernteausfalle #problemsolved #klima #idee
I got an idea for #peace in #Ukraine: Canât we just give #Putin a complementary copy of #Victoria3? He could do whatever he wants there. He could sit at his desk and make #Russia the greatest nation on earth! #problemsolved
#peace #ukraine #putin #Victoria3 #russia #problemsolved
@NicolasConstant @CedricLevasseur @mmu_man ah ouep il délire en langue naturelle comme en code. Une fois je lui ai posé une question un peu pointue, il a littéralement inventé une API http inexistante qui répondait à la question, et m'a écrit le code pour appeler (mais bien sûr pas pour implémenter l'API derriÚre). #ProblemSolved
How hard is it to price it at discount prices or just donate to needy kids. Greed overshadows moral thoughtsâŠ
#adidas #Yeezy #problemsolved
Adidas still doesn't know what to do with its $1.3 billion mountain of unsold Yeezy stock, 6 months after cutting ties with Kanye West
The funny thing is that the House Republicans seem to have forgotten that the bill has to go through the Senate first, NOT directly going to Biden. This is nothing outside of high-fiving hurting the poor.
Just rescind the Trump Era Tax Cuts! #ProblemSolved! https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/26/politics/debt-ceiling-house-vote-negotiations/index.html
Okay, so here's the idea... we rebrand transgender Americans as Trans-Am, give everyone that identifies as such a black shirt with a gold bird on it, and suddenly the rednecks love trans people.
So happy that once we ban TikTok we wonât have mass shootings anymore in the United States!! #ProblemSolved
@fabi1cazenave Eh bien, vous savez quoi ?! AprĂšs presque 1 heure d'errance avec l'aide d'un collĂšgue, la rĂ©ponse Ă©tait archi bĂȘte : il faut utiliser `Shift+Inser` Ă la place de `Ctrl+V` pour coller, car je m'Ă©tais connectĂ©e en SSH via PuTTY đ€Šââïž
Merci Ă tous pour vos rĂ©ponses !!! â€ïž
@rlafuente ainda ontem andei Ă s voltas com a mĂĄquina de secar e depois de 30 parafusos e ficar apenas com o tambor, cheguei ao difĂcil capacitador de 450V que estĂĄ a impedir de funcionar...
#problemsolved #righttorepair
Before my kid came along, I was a chronic insomniac. Could never sleep, day or night.
Now with a 5y/o, I can drop dead in 5mins. Any time of day, any place in the house, any position.
#parenting #dadLife #problemsolved #alwaystired
#smartbirds #problemsolved I have a new #birdfeeder. Its squirrel proof and also jackdaw proof which is why i brought it. Put it up yesterday. Today I watched 4 jackdaws try to get seed from it. They failed. When I came home tonight it was on the ground and empty.
I consulted the CCTV which happens to cover the feeder. Mid morning after the #jackdaws had given up a #Rook appeared. It examined the feeder and then carefully lifted it off its hook and dropped it. Rook + Jackdaws feasted!!
#smartbirds #problemsolved #birdfeeder #jackdaws #rook
@slowbiex Wenn du ganz oben bist, kannst immer noch selbst eskalieren.
#ProblemSolved đ