@junpenglao @avehtari @mcmc_stan @pymc @TuringLang While I loved all the panelists' answers, in answer to the question, "how will probabilistic programming evolve in the future?", I'd say let's do better at automating what can be automated. IMO users shouldn't have to think about vectorizing their models, marginalizing out discrete parameters, or reparameterizing to improve geometry. This takes valuable time away from the real work of thinking about the question, model, and data. #ProbProg
Great panel on probabilistic programming at #BayesComp2023 with Mitzi, Tor, @junpenglao, and Henri and led by @avehtari #probprog
@mcmc_stan @pymc @TuringLang
If you're at #BayesComp2023 and see me, say hi! I especially like talking about #ProbProg, #JuliaLang, @TuringLang, @ArviZ, and how bad I am at skiing!
Tonight I'm presenting a poster about using Pathfinder.jl to initialize HMC and diagnose computational issues.
#bayescomp2023 #probprog #julialang
🚨 New #JuliaLang package! StanLogDensityProblems.jl is a really basic package that implements the LogDensityProblems.jl interface for @mcmc_stan models, built on BridgeStan.jl. It also integrates with PosteriorDB.jl, which makes it really easy to benchmark a new inference method against a large number of models. #ProbProg #MCMCStan
#julialang #probprog #mcmcstan
The next minor release of MCMCDiagnosticTools.jl is going to be dope. We've been upgrading its implementations of convergence diagnostics, and it's just about ready to replace the Python ones in ArviZ.jl @ArviZ and the ones currently used by Turing. #JuliaLang #ProbProg
👋 This is my first time attending @NeuripsConf (virtually to reduce carbon emissions).
On Friday I'll join the workshop "Gaussian Processes, Spatiotemporal Modeling, and Decision-making Systems," where we have a paper, poster, and lightning talk on GPs for modeling #paleoclimate.
If you're attending and want to chat about #GaussianProcesses, probabilistic programming (#ProbProg), or @ArviZ, ping me!
#NeurIPS2022 #probprog #GaussianProcesses #paleoclimate
Soon Turing.jl users will be able to natively store all sampling outputs in an @ArviZ InferenceData object.
To experiment with the bleeding edge, check out https://github.com/sethaxen/DynamicPPLInferenceObjects.jl!
#probprog #foss #julialang #turinglang
Soon Turing.jl users will be able to natively store all sampling outputs in an @ArviZ InferenceData object.
To experiment with the bleeding edge, check out https://github.com/sethaxen/DynamicPPLInferenceObjects.jl!
#probprog #foss #julialang #turinglang
Updated some new thoughts regarding the TerpreT problem and my naive solution
The original TerpreT paper(https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.04428)
discussed solving program induction by gradient based optimization(after making the program differentiable by relaxation ).
#probprog #programsynthesis #neuralnetwork #deeplearning #NeuroSymbolic
#probprog #programsynthesis #neuralnetwork #deeplearning #neurosymbolic
I'm Chad. Hello from #Seattle! 👋
Since this is @fosstodon ... My #FOSS work is in #julialang, mostly around #Bayesian modeling and probabilistic programming (#probprog)
This started with Soss.jl, a probabilistic programming language (#PPL). I eventually realized I needed primitives with better composability, and started work on MeasureTheory:
That's coming along well - next it's back to PPL, now with Tilde.jl, similar to Soss but a bit more flexible
#ppl #probprog #bayesian #julialang #foss #seattle #Introduction
@sethaxen is part of the Colab! He's passionate about open source software (#FOSS), probabilistic programming (#ProbProg), and #JuliaLang.
I just migrated to bayes.club, so here is another (and hopefully the last for a while) introduction
I'm a #MachineLearning engineer with a focus on probabilistic programming at @unituebingen where I help scientists use ML for their research. In the office and out, one of my main passions is #FOSS, and I work on a number of #OpenSource packages, mostly in #JuliaLang :julia: with a focus on #ProbProg, #manifolds, and #AutoDiff.
#Introduction #autodiff #manifolds #probprog #julialang #opensource #foss #machinelearning
Hi all, my #introduction:
I'm a prof at #UCLA CS, living in #LosAngeles, and researching #ArtificialIntelligence.
I enjoy bridging #machinelearning with probabilistic and logical #reasoning.
That makes me work on probabilistic programming (#probprog), tractable probabilistic models (e.g., #probcircuit), and #neurosymbolic #AI.
Looking forward to some more authentic discourse about AI on this platform.
#Introduction #ucla #losangeles #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #reasoning #probprog #probcircuit #neurosymbolic #ai