Ingredients list for 'Paleo Pancake & Waffle Mix by Birch Benders':
Cassava Starch, Almond Flour, Organic Coconut Flour, Eggs, Organic Coconut Sugar, Potato Flakes, Sweet Potato Flour, Leavening (Monocalcium Phosphate, Baking Soda), 2% or less of: Salt, Guar Gum. Contains: Egg, Almond, Coconut.
In my readings on the history of human nutrition, I must have missed the part about paleolithic people making/eating dried eggs (which are full of oxidized cholesterol aka 27-hydroxycholesterol, 27HC) or anything else on this ingredient list, for that matter.
What happened when a doctor only ate ultra-processed foods for a month. ➡️
#Nutrition #ProcessedFood #HealthyEating
#healthyeating #processedfood #nutrition
Not just in humans I'll bet...
The Human #Microbiome Is Going Extinct, Scientists Say. The End Will Be Devastating.
by Tim Newcomb, May 19, 2023
"The human microbiome is endangered. And that’s not a good thing for your health—or the health of the rest of the world.
"A new documentary, The Invisible Extinction, highlights how the human microbiome—also known as the bacteria and microorganisms living within the human body, most prevalent in the gut—is on the verge of extinct. And it’s all your fault.
"In a discussion with People, two researchers behind the doc, Martin Glaser and Gloria Dominguez-Bello, say the human microbiome is essential for us to digest food, make vitamins, and train our immune systems. “When we eat,” Blaser tells People, “we are nourishing both our human cells and also our microbial cells.”
"The slow death of the human microbiome is thanks to our modern way of life. We use #antibiotics to kill off bad bacteria. But antibiotics kill off plenty of the good stuff, too. Blaser says the more antibiotics given to a child, the more likely they are to develop a range of illnesses. Blaser adds that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates about one-third of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary, leading to the overuse.
"Then there’s the highly #processed, chemical-laden #food that’s wreaking havoc on our gut health. “The single most important component of the diet to feed the microbiome is fiber,” Dominguez-Bello says. These #fibers feed your microbiome, while #ProcessedFood removes the fiber, posing a negative result for your microbiome.
"The researchers want better options for the antibiotic issue, both with improved testing to see if a bacterial infection is really in play, and by developing new antibiotics that don’t have the “collateral damage that are killing every bacterium inside.”
“We are making a complete mess of biodiversity, including microbial,” Dominguez-Bello says. “Microbes are essential in every ecosystem, not only in humans or animals or plants, but also in the oceans. He whole thing is linked together by impact of human activities. We need to preserve microbes because they really modulate functions of Earth. They modulate the climate. They modulate everything. They modulate our own gene expression.”
"The human microbiome is a big deal. Let’s not kill it."
#microbiome #antibiotics #processed #food #fibers #processedfood
13 Processed Foods That Are Actually Good for You | #AARP
Not everything that comes in a box, bag or can wreaks havoc on a healthy diet. #Food #ProcessedFood #HealthyLiving #Diet
#aarp #food #processedfood #healthyliving #diet
#FruityPebbles and #LuckyCharms Threaten to Block “Healthy” #FoodLabeling Guidelines in #Court
The #FDA’s proposed #food labeling requirement is facing backlash from #processedfood companies, and food industry #lobbyists claiming the rule limits their #freespeech.
#fruitypebbles #luckycharms #foodlabeling #court #fda #food #processedfood #lobbyists #freespeech
"Our findings reveal that erythritol is both associated with incident major adverse cardiovascular events risk and fosters enhanced thrombosis. Studies assessing the long-term safety of erythritol are warranted"
#foodAdditives #artificialSweeteners #toxic #chemicals #processedFood #healthHazards #lowCalorie #warning #caution
#foodadditives #artificialsweeteners #toxic #chemicals #processedfood #healthhazards #lowcalorie #warning #caution
9 simple ways to eat healthily
#remedies #healthtips #superfoods #immunesystem #naturalmedicine #goodhealth #brainhealth #balancediet #sugar #processedfood #vitamin #calcium #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #wellness #goodfood #smartchoice #organic #naturalremedies #healthbenefits #healthyeating #eatsmart #remedies
#eatsmart #healthyeating #healthbenefits #naturalremedies #organic #smartchoice #goodfood #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #calcium #vitamin #processedfood #sugar #balancediet #brainhealth #goodhealth #naturalmedicine #immunesystem #superfoods #HealthTips #remedies
I'm doomed. (Free registration may be required)
#food #nutrition #aging #cognitive #fastFood #processedFood #science #medicine #obesity
#food #nutrition #aging #cognitive #fastfood #processedfood #science #medicine #obesity
That is one problem I easily avoid: I follow a plant-based diet — a *whole-food* plant-based diet. That means unprocessed food (fruit and vegetables from the produce department) or minimally processed food (old-fashioned rolled oats, shelled nuts, dried tea leaves). The kind of highly process and manufactured food (like imitation cheeses, fruit juice, plant-based nuggets) are not a part of my diet, so their high cost does not affect my food bill.
#WFPB #wholefood #processedfood
Good advice, relevant to Australia too.
Telling Americans to ‘eat better’ doesn’t work. We must make healthier food | Mark Bittman
New study says eating ultra-processed food might lead to cognitive decline 👇🏼 ⤵️
Oops! I packed my partner off on her travels with these. I need my eyes testing!
This brand's Green Goodness burgers are 2g fat/100g (see thread) and full of veggies - processed but about as good as that gets.
The roast ones are 20g! 'Roast' should've given it away!! 😬
The Green Goodness ones in the same range are much better.
#vegan #WFPBD #processedFood #food #health #fat #diet #nutrition
#nutrition #diet #fat #Health #Food #processedfood #wfpbd #Vegan
I agree on alternatives and also on how different processing methods make a difference even with the same ingredients.
The study I read was on the difference between eating whole peanuts vs. peanut butter: effectively, peanut butter delivers more calories into the body than (chewed) whole peanuts because fhe butter's finer particles are more completely digested — but the same idea.
#food #nutrition #processedfood
We think we exercise freedom of choice at the supermarket but really we're subject to a process of 'choice-editing' that directs us to buy certain products - often discounted processed food.
This obviously has implications for our health.
Interestingly, the UK has introduced new rules regulating what products can be promoted in high visibility spots, like checkouts and end-of-aisles.
I worked on this story for ABC:
#supermarkets #processedfood #health
People eating higher levels of ultra-processed foods have a higher risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes and cancer.
Food additives might explain these associations, Mathilde Touvier & her team found.
Read 👉
#Contamination is yet another reason to avoid #processedfood #stopeatingpoison
#stopeatingpoison #processedfood #contamination
#Contamination is yet another reason to avoid #processedfood #stopeatingpoison
#stopeatingpoison #processedfood #contamination
#Contamination is yet another reason to avoid #processedfood #stopeatingpoison
#stopeatingpoison #processedfood #contamination
9 simple ways to eat healthily
#remedies #healthtips #superfoods #immunesystem #naturalmedicine #goodhealth #brainhealth #balancediet #sugar #processedfood #vitamin #calcium #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #wellness #goodfood #smartchoice #organic #naturalremedies
#naturalremedies #organic #smartchoice #goodfood #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #calcium #vitamin #processedfood #sugar #balancediet #brainhealth #goodhealth #naturalmedicine #immunesystem #superfoods #HealthTips #remedies
9 simple ways to eat healthily
#remedies #healthtips #superfoods #immunesystem #naturalmedicine #goodhealth #brainhealth #balancediet #sugar #processedfood #vitamin #calcium #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #wellness #goodfood #smartchoice #organic #naturalremedies #healthbenefits #healthyeating #eatsmart #remedies
#eatsmart #healthyeating #healthbenefits #naturalremedies #organic #smartchoice #goodfood #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #calcium #vitamin #processedfood #sugar #balancediet #brainhealth #goodhealth #naturalmedicine #immunesystem #superfoods #HealthTips #remedies