Isolate the types of questions that give you consistent trouble and build up special approaches to them.
There are a few types of #questions for each #section, we'll cover them here on #mastodon.
#Logical #reasoning in particular has many types, but we need *actionable* information. Defining is only the first step.
So, the types are grouped by the #processes they require. There are only a few #mental #processes required for the #LSAT, the challenge is to switch processes on cue :)
#starting #questions #section #mastodon #logical #reasoning #processes #mental #lsat
📢#OutNow in #OA: '#DigitalTransformation: Understanding #BusinessGoals, #Risks, #Processes, and #Decisions' by Mathias Cöster, Mats Danielson, Love Ekenberg, Cecilia Gullberg, Gard Titlestad, Alf Westelius and Gunnar Wettergren.
Unlike many other books on #digitaltransformation, the authors do not dwell on #database design or the details of implementing information systems. Instead, they emphasise the importance of a clear understanding of all aspects of an organisation in order to effectively implement and manage #digitalsystems, from #businessgoals and #strategies to structuring information and making decisions, #riskassessments, #projectmanagement, #organising, and procuring services and products.
Organised in eleven chapters, and drawing on examples from all over the world, this book will be of interest to university students of #businessadministration, #management, #informationsystems, and #computerscience.
Access at https://doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0350
#outnow #oa #digitaltransformation #businessgoals #risks #processes #decisions #database #digitalsystems #strategies #riskassessments #projectmanagement #organising #businessadministration #management #InformationSystems #computerscience
~ EN below ~
L'idée était simple : récupérer tous les bouts de code écrits en #R, en #C, et en #Python pour les centraliser dans un *petit* carnet Python. L'histoire de quoi, 10min ?
1h +tard : "et si on créait une classe pour chaque #processus ?"
Tonight's idea was simple: gather all code snippet written in R, C, and Python and centralise them in a *small* #PythonNotebook. Should take what, 10min or so?
1h later: "hey, why not create a class for each of my #processes?"
#r #c #python #processus #pythonnotebook #processes
AGU23 Session Submittal Requests - Flash Floods and Debris Flows After Wildfire - Process Understanding to Hazard Assessment
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/prelim.cgi/Session/186554 <-- make submittal
“Do you work in postfire hazards? Consider presenting in our AGU 2023 session, "Flash Floods and Debris Flows after Wildfire." The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, August 2nd!..” ~ Matthew A. Thomas, USGS
#GIS #spatial #mapping #callforsubmissions #research #results #AGU #AGU23 #conference #paper #submittals #floods #massmovement #engineeringgeology #flashflood #flooding #debrisflow #naturalhazards #riskhazard #risk #hazard #assessment #postfire #wildfire #bushfire #forestfire #fire #climatechange #extremeweather #urban #urbancorridors #mitigation #water #hydrology #model #modeling #geomorphology #meteorology #weather #rainfall #precipitation #publicsafety #monitoring #forecasting #gischat #remotesensing #process #processes #AGU #AGU23
#conference #paper #gis #spatial #mapping #callforsubmissions #research #results #AGU #agu23 #submittals #floods #massmovement #engineeringgeology #flashflood #flooding #debrisflow #NaturalHazards #riskhazard #risk #hazard #postfire #wildfire #bushfire #forestfire #fire #climatechange #extremeweather #urban #urbancorridors #mitigation #water #hydrology #model #modeling #geomorphology #meteorology #weather #rainfall #precipitation #publicsafety #monitoring #forecasting #gischat #remotesensing #assessment #process #processes
"I'm jealous with all the attention 'threads' are getting lately."
- a process, however lowly & otherwise humble
"Me too!"
- a coroutine
"Honestly, same."
- a goroutine
"It me."
- a fiber
"My people!"
- a tasklet
- a greenlet, looking suspiciously like a fiber and tasklet, but colored green
#threads #programming #concurrency #threading #multithreading #parallelism #fibers #greenlets #processes
Some pretty obvious and standard things are described here as novelties:
1️⃣ #Leaders exist because they have #Followers,
2️⃣ Leaders are here to provide #Guidance within the #Regulation and #Control “hierarchy”
3️⃣ All #Measurement is personal and beneficial only to the measurer
4️⃣ The “hated” #Matrix organizations are connecting silos
5️⃣ Removing what is #NOT determines what IS #Possibile (the cone of possibilities)
6️⃣ Groups of people will form #Living systems that cannot be engineered but can only be maintained as a “garden”
7️⃣ #Negative feedback is the only useful #feedback. A “pat on the back” never helped anyone. 😀
Also, this is all set backward:
How can we ensure there are useful leadership Artefacts (tools, processes) and leadership Heuristics (rules of thumb, ways of doing things) - as well as Skills, Experiences and (of course) Natural talent.
I understand that as a consultant you have the “urge” to sell something tangible (a product) but you always have to start with the #People and their experience, skills, and natural talent, then identify the #Processes, what they do, and how are they connected (collaborate). Selecting the #Products (tools, SW, forms, space, facilities) that will support that is the last and the least important thing.
Btw, a process is not an #artifact (product). Only the “rule book” that describes the process is, and there is a huge difference between the two.
#leaders #guidance #regulation #control #negative #people #followers #matrix #possibile #living #feedback #processes #products #artifact #measurement #not
as a fan of oldskool dystopic/apoc fiction & drama TV (esp from the 60s to 80s, & UK/Euro) let me just say Meta's choice of the Threads name is terrible... & PTSD-inducing
as a decades-long programmer with plenty of scars from doing & seeing multi-threaded programming at scale, well, let me just say Meta's choice of the Threads name is also terrible... & PTSD inducing
#meta #threads #programming #multithreading #concurrency #parallelism #threading #fibers #coroutines #goroutines #processes
"Procedural #Openness as a Distraction":
- Civil society participants want to make use of access and opportunities provided by the IETF’s procedural openness.
- "Their presence can confer unfounded #legitimacy on #IETF #processes. If civil society is in the room where decisions are made but does not have a voice that can match that of industry, the sheer fact of their participation in debates can function as a rubber stamp."
@C__CS #governance #standards #tech #neutrality #ethics @ethics
#openness #legitimacy #ietf #processes #governance #standards #tech #neutrality #ethics
The Five Graphs That Changed The World - See Groundbreaking Data Visualizations By Florence Nightingale, W. E. B. Dubois & Beyond
https://youtu.be/8wtmCXgNqG4 <-- shared video
https://www.openculture.com/2023/04/the-five-graphs-that-changed-the-world.html <-- shared article
“[T]he kind of informational graphs we know best today would be invented by... Scot William Playfair in 1786, just a decade after The Wealth of Nations came out. “Data visualization is everywhere today, but when Playfair first created them over 200 years ago, using shapes to represent numbers was largely sneered at,” says Adam Rutherford in the Royal Society video [link] above…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #datascience #datavisualization #datavisualisation #history #graphs #knowledgegraphs #dataanalytics #informationalgraphs #development #utility #processes
#gis #spatial #mapping #datascience #datavisualization #DataVisualisation #history #graphs #knowledgegraphs #dataanalytics #informationalgraphs #development #utility #processes
The Seven Processes of Publishing: Book Production https://selfpublishingadvice.org/production/ #3&4:Production&Distribution #indieauthorbusiness #runningabusiness #production #audiobook #processes #business #ebook #print
#indieauthorbusiness #runningabusiness #production #audiobook #processes #business #ebook #print
🔥⏲️ Fudge Sunday "Are You DevX Experienced?" A look at recent Developer Experience (DevX) coverage and articles that caught my eye.
#people #processes #tools #devsecops #secops #platformengineering #experience #developer #devex #developerexperience #ux #uxresearch #newsletters #newsletter
#people #processes #tools #devsecops #secops #platformengineering #experience #developer #devex #developerexperience #ux #uxresearch #newsletters #newsletter
🔥⏲️ Fudge Sunday "Press Rewind" This week we take at recent updates in software supply chain security that provide an ability to press rewind.
#security #software #supplychain #sbom #attestation #people #processes
#tools #devsecops #secops #platformengineering #devex #developerexperience #securecoding #internetofthings #embeddedsystems #exploits #computing #cloud #iotsecurity #newsletter #newsletters
#security #software #supplychain #sbom #attestation #people #processes #tools #devsecops #secops #platformengineering #devex #developerexperience #securecoding #internetofthings #embeddedsystems #exploits #computing #cloud #iotsecurity #newsletter #newsletters
#Industrialmetaverses are #virtualenvironments that are used to #simulate #realworld #industrial #processes, such as #manufacturing, logistics, and construction. These virtual environments allow companies to test new designs, products, and processes [..] https://parkhealth.io/industrial+metaverse
#industrialmetaverses #virtualenvironments #simulate #realworld #industrial #processes #manufacturing
Отправлял сегодня на почте посылку примерно 45 минут.
Сначала там творился пиздец с очередью. Мой номер высветился и позвал к окну, где женщина стояла и отправляла первую из шести посылок.
Позже оказалось, что они не умеют делать отправку по номеру телефона из отделения. А если оформить при них с телефона, то не могут распечатать то, что нужно печатать при оформлении из дома.
И смотрят на тебя как на инопланетянина когда спрашиваешь где описи-то?
Не, где-то почта отладила процессы, но как только ты на какой-то миллиметр отступил от этих процессов (например, решил отправить по номеру из отделения) - начинается АД.
#Russia #post #log #WTF #business #bureaucracy #processes #delivery
#russia #post #log #wtf #business #bureaucracy #processes #delivery
But the biggest thing? Getting stuff done in companies is now so much harder.
Some are good - UX, Privacy, Security
But so many #processes and #signoffs, often from people who are barely aware of what is happening, but have the ability to slow things. Multiple business cases, architectural signoffs, multiple layers of management and finance signoffs, complex budget negotiations, operational, release, deployment process that add little value and are disconnected, but do provide "cya".
“…#Criticism or questions are often #silenced, but even more frequently #just_actively_ignored. When the push comes to shove, #tokenistic #engagement #processes are often #set_up to #keep_people_busy, until they realize processes are just tokenistic…” ~ #KatriBertram #GlobalHealthInstitutions ( ఠ ͟ʖ ఠ) https://bit.ly/3FUT1Dh
#criticism #silenced #just_actively_ignored #tokenistic #engagement #processes #set_up #keep_people_busy #katribertram #globalhealthinstitutions
This is about ten years of #RandomNotes, diagrams, appointments, #Processes, queries, requirements, and #WeirdDoodles.
I usually get two years out of a #Notebook, though there are two missing books that I only partly used, specific to a change in employer.
The #Handwriting has actually improved over time. And the organization varies wildly. Nevertheless, like the Sent/Archive folder of your email app, these are often a singular source of half-forgotten truth.
#randomnotes #processes #weirddoodles #notebook #handwriting
Processes, Threads, Coroutines in Various Programming Languages.
Apart from giving an overview of the topic, I compare the runtime thread count of three different codes in five languages.
A hello world application.
An app that makes three blocking HTTP GET requests.
And finally an async/coroutine/green thread solution for making those same HTTP GET requests.
I was surprised by some results. :)
Code: https://github.com/simonracz/threads-streaming
#linux #threads #processes #coroutines #go #rust #java #c++ #c #python #syscalls
#linux #threads #processes #coroutines #go #rust #Java #c #python #syscalls
Keynotes at CAPTURE & ASIST-EC conf Information Science Perspectives to Documenting Processes and Practices Jun 20-21 in Uppsala and online: Adrian Currie and Kirsten Walsh on "The Philosophy of History Meets Archival Practice" and Olivier Le Deuff on "Hyperdocumentation: what are the limits for documenting processes and practices?" https://bit.ly/3JnVbvZ Call for abstracts open until March 31 at https://bit.ly/3lkI2vK #informationscience #paradata #practices #processes #documentation
#informationscience #paradata #practices #processes #documentation
Learning by the Inquiry Process.... 👇🧠💡
( more details in spanish: http://e-aprendizaje.es/2013/11/03/hola-profe-me-vas-a-invitar-a-pensar/ )