« Check out the Processing Community Day Brasil 2022 Recap by the Organizing Committee of #PCDBrasil2022! 💜 This recap archives the content created during the event, such as the virtual gallery, workshops, lectures, performances, talks, visual identity, and more! Available in English and Portuguese.
https://medium.com/@ProcessingOrg/processing-community-day-brasil-2022-5989a30644b4 »
#PCD #ProcessingCommunityDay #ProcessingCommunityDayBrasil #PCDBrasil #Processing #ProgramaçãoCriativa #CreativeCoding
#pcdbrasil2022 #pcd #processingcommunityday #processingcommunitydaybrasil #pcdbrasil #processing #programacaocriativa #creativecoding
Wonderful work by @claromes for #ProcessingCommunityDay Porto 2023 exhibition RECODE https://pcd.fba.up.pt/2023/exhibition/claromes.htm
#Python #Processing #py5 #CreativeCoding #ProgramaçãoCriativa
#processingcommunityday #python #processing #py5 #creativecoding #programacaocriativa
The call for works for the Processing Community Day Porto is open and challenges you to explore the notion of RECODE. Submit by 15th January 2023.
+ info: https://pcd.fba.up.pt/2023/
#PCDPorto #ProcessingCommunityDay #Processing #creativeCoding #genart
#pcdporto #processingcommunityday #processing #creativecoding #genart
I hope Processing.org doesn't take too long to come to Mastodom @shiffman!
You can see that part of the community is already here: #Processing #ProcessingCommunityDay
#processing #processingcommunityday
Olá pessoas!
Aqui um vídeo da minha oficina:
"Primeiros passos na #ProgramaçãoCriativa com #Python"
que ofereci no #ProcessingCommunityDay #PCDBR2022
A primeira parte é bem tranquila, pra quem nunca viu programação. A segunda parte é um pouco mais desafiadora, eu tento mostrar um pouco de orientação a objetos.
O código dos exemplos mostrados estão aqui:
#programacaocriativa #python #processingcommunityday #pcdbr2022
E pois, tenho um pôster em Coimbra!
Que felicidade!
#PCDCoimbra #ProcessingCommunityDay #Processing #Python #py5
código em: abav.lugaralgum.com/collaboration_web_v2022_08_01/
(Obrigado https://twitter.com/adorilson/ pela foto!)
#pcdcoimbra #processingcommunityday #processing #python #py5
I'm so happy be a part of this, tho have some work displayed at the #ProcessingCommunityDay Brasil 2022 virtual gallery!
Check it out: https://pcd2022.encontrosdigitais.com.br/galeria/
#Processing #Python #py5 #pyp5js
#processingcommunityday #processing #python #py5 #pyp5js