Kay Sonastri · @SonastriQuality
1 followers · 2 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

Hey Mastodon 👋 I'm a Manager with a passion for all things , as a path to collaboration in , and the power of clear in making high-quality devices that help communities who need it most.

I'm excited to connect with people passionate about , , , and processes - please follow, interact and boost!

#quality #medicaltechnology #inclusivity #Tech #processmanagement #medtech #mdr #qualitymanagement #softwaredevelopment #introductions #introduction #intro

Last updated 1 year ago

Harvard Business Review · @HarvardBiz
3 followers · 32 posts · Server mastodon.world
Amy Lee · @amyleesf
150 followers · 67 posts · Server social.design.systems

I've been thinking a lot about what Donella Meadows calls the "rule beating trap": people find ways to obey the rules but cheat the system which "distorts the system". She suggested looking for ways to "release creativity" so that the purpose of the rules is still achieved.

#processmanagement #processes

Last updated 2 years ago

blogbourri 🦇 · @blogbourri
16 followers · 202 posts · Server mastodon.art

is developing an elaborate pen and paper system over months inspired by and tabletop and that uses and applied to develop (or !! do !!) , and one of the habits on your list of healthy habits to foster weekly is to cross out the whole list and do absolutely . any well designed should occasionally and intentionally themselves.

#destroy #systems #nothing #habits #you #unhealthy #healthy #processmanagement #charts #dadaism #roleplaying #fortunetelling #productivity #autism

Last updated 2 years ago