Steeds meer organisaties werken met process mining. Maar er kunnen wel een aantal dingen fout gaan. Zo voorkom je de meest gemaakte fouten en maak je er wél een succes van. #processmining.
Come join us in our Process Mining Café, now live at: #processmining
In plaats van 2D 'röntgenfoto's' om je bedrijfsprocessen in kaart te brengen een beter beeld krijgen met 3D 'MRI-scans'.
#processmining #ObjectCentricProcessMining
#objectcentricprocessmining #processmining
Exciting news! Susanne Braun, Principal Tech Lead at SAP Signavio, is joining us! 🚀 She'll be sharing insights on process mining and how it can drive business transformations. Don't miss out on learning from one of the most advanced process mining tooling vendors #ProcessMining
Jon Reed digging into buzzword bingo.
Food for thought about #RPA and #processautomation here.
#RPA is a bridge technology, a mere bandaid
#processautomation is (and always was) about automating e2e processes
What is intelligent process automation then?
The combination of #processmining with process automation to automate the right processes
What do you think?
#rpa #ProcessAutomation #processmining
Am 19.12.2022 um 17h findet die dritte Vorlesung im Rahmen der Virtuellen Vorlesungsreihe Wirtschaftsinformatik im Wintersemester 2022 statt.
Das Thema der Vorlesung von Fr. Prof. Dr. Uta Mathis ist "Process Mining im Kontext von Business Process Management".
Weiter Information und den Link zum Webinar gibt es hier:
#vivowi #webinar #wirtschaftsinformatik #fhaachen #BPM #ProcessMining
#vivowi #webinar #wirtschaftsinformatik #fhaachen #bpm #processmining
Am 19.12.2022 um 17h findet die dritte Vorlesung im Rahmen der Virtuellen Vorlesungsreihe Wirtschaftsinformatik im Wintersemester 2022 statt.
Das Thema der Vorlesung von Fr. Prof. Dr. Uta Mathis ist "Process Mining im Kontext von Business Process Management".
Weiter Information und den Link zum Webinar gibt es hier:
#vivowi #webinar #wirtschaftsinformatik #fhaachen #BPM #ProcessMining
#vivowi #webinar #wirtschaftsinformatik #fhaachen #bpm #processmining
Together with a team of students and staff at #TUBerlin, we published a paper presenting a prototype that uses AB testing and reinforcement learning for business process improvements. If you are interested in #BPM #BPMN #BusinessProcess #ProcessMining check the paper out here:
#processmining #businessprocess #BPMN #bpm #TUBerlin
Okay I see Mastodon needs hastags to find things. Here's what I'm interested in, hopefully this will help similarly interested people to find me.
#medicine #oncology #artificialintelligence #radiology #radiotherapy #radiomics #processmining #systemsanalysis #infrastructure
#lgbt #trains #videogames #architecture #skiing #scifi
Yeah, I'm a nerd.
#medicine #oncology #artificialintelligence #radiology #radiotherapy #radiomics #processmining #systemsanalysis #infrastructure #lgbt #trains #videogames #architecture #skiing #scifi #sciencefiction
Okay I see Mastodon needs hastags to find things. Here's things I'm interested in, hopefully this will help other people find me:
#medicine #oncology #artificialintelligence #radiology #radiotherapy #radiomics #processmining #systemsanalysis #infrastructure
#medicine #oncology #artificialintelligence #radiology #radiotherapy #radiomics #processmining #systemsanalysis #infrastructure #lgbt #trains #videogames #architecture #skiing
One of the big news of #SAPTechEd is the (introduction) rebranding of #SAP #Build. While I think SAP's #LowCode offering is not on par with e.g. #Microsoft there is one very important aspect for me:
The integration of #Signavio makes Process Intelligence an integrated part of SAP's #NoCode/#LowCode. This will enable the optimisation of all processes implemented in #SAP #Build. In addition it will lower the entry barrier for using #ProcessMining in other #SAP solution like e.g. #S/4HANA
#sapteched #sap #build #lowcode #microsoft #signavio #nocode #processmining #s
One of the big news of #SAPTechEd is the (introduction) rebranding of #SAP #Build. While I think SAP's #LowCode offering is not on par with e.g. #Microsoft there is one very important aspect for me:
The integration of #Signavio makes Process Intelligence an integrated part of SAP's #NoCode/#LowCode. This will enable the optimisation of all processes implemented in #SAP #Build. In addition it will lower the entry barrier for using #ProcessMining in other #SAP solution like e.g. #S/4HANA
#sapteched #sap #build #lowcode #microsoft #signavio #nocode #processmining #s