Who wants to make Wednesdays #WhiteheadWednesday ?
“Philosophy begins in wonder. And, at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains.” - Alfred North Whitehead
#whiteheadwednesday #processparty #philosophy
So many good things to take away from this episode. Best one:
The trinity is theological masturbation.
#ProcessParty #ProcessTheology
Homebrewed Christianity Podcast: Daniel Kirk: How Paul Preaches Christmas
Episode webpage: https://trippfuller.com/2022/12/19/daniel-kirk-how-paul-preaches-christmas/
Media file: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/homebrewedchristianity/XmasWithKirkCOMP.mp3
#processparty #processtheology
Here’s my initial hashtag list of interests. Would love to connect with anyone who also finds some of these interesting.
#AmericanaMusic #Blues #Soul #AltCountry #SingerSongwriter
#ProcessParty #ProcessTheology #ProcessThought #ProcessPhilosophy #PracticalTheology #Philosophy #Agnostic #Theology #ReligiousStudies #Metaphysics
#Exvangelical #DeconstructingChristianity
#americanamusic #blues #soul #altcountry #singersongwriter #processparty #processtheology #processthought #processphilosophy #practicaltheology #philosophy #agnostic #theology #religiousstudies #metaphysics #exvangelical #deconstructingchristianity