#philosophy epigenetics is the social justice of evolutional biology. #processthought
Recent server move means I have no post plugging my main project, so here it is!
Red Enlightenment: On #Socialism #Science and #Spirituality is 1) a book coming out in 2023 and 2) a scripted podcast which was the book's rough first draft https://soundcloud.com/repeater-radio/sets/red-enlightenment
For fans of #cybernetics #theology #LiberationTheology #ProcessThought #complexitytheory #ecology #marxism #acidcommunism #philosophyofscience #metaphysics #EmbodiedCognition #metamodernism @philosophy @theologidons
#socialism #science #spirituality #cybernetics #theology #liberationtheology #processthought #complexitytheory #ecology #marxism #acidcommunism #philosophyofscience #metaphysics #EmbodiedCognition #metamodernism
Here’s my initial hashtag list of interests. Would love to connect with anyone who also finds some of these interesting.
#AmericanaMusic #Blues #Soul #AltCountry #SingerSongwriter
#ProcessParty #ProcessTheology #ProcessThought #ProcessPhilosophy #PracticalTheology #Philosophy #Agnostic #Theology #ReligiousStudies #Metaphysics
#Exvangelical #DeconstructingChristianity
#americanamusic #blues #soul #altcountry #singersongwriter #processparty #processtheology #processthought #processphilosophy #practicaltheology #philosophy #agnostic #theology #religiousstudies #metaphysics #exvangelical #deconstructingchristianity