Calling in others...
#kindness #gentleness #compassion #clouds #nature #trees #poetry #dreams #dreamwork #forestbathing #stargazing #beautyintheworld #wilderness #rewilding #ecotherapy #ecopsychology #processwork #depthpsychology #decolonization #carfree #slowfood #slowliving #giftedadults #forests #embodiment #ecology #oceans #wandering #zen #interbeing #voluntarysimplicity #meditation #minimalism #mindfulness #shunyata #satori #softness #listening #presence #peace #ease
#kindness #clouds #nature #trees #poetry #dreams #dreamwork #forestbathing #stargazing #embodiment #ecology #oceans #wandering #listening #ease #carfree #ecotherapy #ecopsychology #processwork #zen #interbeing #meditation #presence #depthpsychology #slowfood #slowliving #voluntarysimplicity #shunyata #satori #peace #compassion #mindfulness #wilderness #forests #minimalism #beautyintheworld #rewilding #decolonization #gentleness #softness #giftedadults
One of the things I love most about @letterformarchive is all the process and sketch work they have. The path to the final design is so illuminating and wonderful. Like this scrappy little folder full on notes by Zuzano Licko for the the Lo-Res #typeface - they have A LOT from
#emigre - #processWork
#typeface #emigre #processwork
I got antsy to push myself a bit, so I threw together a figure sketch. I might come back to it later, but I'm also happy with how it turned out. Learning to trace+refine = 🤯
The story I was trying to tell was:
- Eating ramen at some hole-in-the-wall shop
- A relaxed, easy, jab, as if someone's making an obvious point
- Mid-eating (A future iteration will likely have a noodle hanging from the chopstick)
- Relaxed, except for leaning forward
#mastoart #illustration #practice #processwork #art