If you want to help out the escorts at my clinic, #HopeClinicForWomen, we have a wish list! #ProChoiceMissouri is our org that supports us and they have a wish list on Amazon. The only thing I would add is rainbow colored golf umbrellas. We use them to share ourselves and block the patients who come to our clinic. You don’t have to help, but if you want to, this is an easy way. If you want to send an umbrella, message me! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3AX8LV70COPRC?ref_=wl_share
#hopeclinicforwomen #prochoicemissouri
If you want to help out the escorts at my clinic, #HopeClinicForWomen, we have a wish list! #ProChoiceMissouri is our org that supports us and they have a wish list on Amazon. The only thing I would add is rainbow colored golf umbrellas. We use them to share ourselves and block the patients who come to our clinic. You don’t have to help, but if you want to, this is an easy way. If you want to send an umbrella, message me! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3AX8LV70COPRC?ref_=wl_share
#hopeclinicforwomen #prochoicemissouri