Don’t run away.. hear me out. Think about how good #iTunes is with organizing music files. The files are still in a filesystem but iTunes manages them. The directory structure is a product of the #ID3 metadata standard & they are kept in sync. If a track is in the genre “techno” & you decide it’s more accurately described as “electronica/trance/psychedelic”, you refine the genre in the iTunes db, which the updates the ID3 tag & moves the file from e.g. ~/music/techno to ~/music/electronica/trance/psychedelic. When you are outside iTunes, the directory structure is sensible & intuitive. When you are inside iTunes, you can search, filter, & organize based on metadata.
So you asked about PDFs as an example. I ditched iTunes (& mac & windows entirely) at one point, but at least back in the day you could (ab)use ID3 tags for PDFs since they don’t break the PDF for whatever reason. Some people then used iTunes to organize their PDFs (likely books) in that way.
So I’m not saying install iTunes.. it may not even work these days.. no idea. But the point is iTunes sets a good example of how media can be well organized.
I’ve not used #calibre in a while but perhaps it has improved. Might be worth a look.
I did my own hack. I use exiftool to set the metadata using the standard PDF fields. Then I wrote a #procmail script that created an email header from the PDF metadata and then used the procmail language to put the file through a series of conditionals & scoring & ultimately drop the file in a well-organized location. It’s a use procmail was not intended for yet strangely useful for objects that have nothing to do with email. I got side-tracked and didn’t finish the project but that’s just to give an idea of what’s possible.
Today I still manually maintain a directory structure, my metadata is a mess, and whenever I move or rename a file references to that file from apps like gnucash end up inconsistent. So I still need to get my shit together.
#itunes #id3 #calibre #procmail
#TIL: BuGless resumed maintenance of #procmail quietly in 2020 and released a version with all reported bugs fixed last year.
So at last, decades of procrastination have paid off. I no longer am overdue translating my procmailrc to #sieve. I no longer have to warn people not to make my blunder, I can point them at a working maintained tool.
I've been procrastinating for *years* about migrating my mail server to new hardware. Well, today I crossed one of the tasks off my to-do list. I didn't actually do it, I just no longer care about the bidirectional #email ↔ #usenet gateway I wrote so that I could read Usenet in #mutt. It was a tangled mess of #exim config, #procmail and #perl that worked brilliantly for almost 20 years, but today I just deleted it and all its config.
#email #usenet #mutt #exim #procmail #perl
@shahaan @darnell Another approach would be to have #procmail encrypt all inbound msgs before delivery, and to the MUA all msgs would be PGP msgs. Or that could be done by a mail forwarding service. AFAIK, there is only one mail forwarding service that does that: You give your PGP, and it will encrypt everything that it sends to you.
@akib @dachary @forgefriends @hostea @forgefed @gitea @codeberg Since you mention a list (assuming you mean mailing list?), how about this hybrid of all ideas: bug reports/comments go to an account that checks the sig (perhaps using a #procmail script). If the sig checks out, the msg is automatically submitted via #gitBug to the upstream git db. If the sig fails or is non-existent, the msg goes to a mailing list.
@kytta Ideally, files should have metadata & there should be a tool that enforces consistency between the metadata and the file structure. My personal free-world hack is to use #procmail for this, surprisingly enough. A script can pkg any file as an email and create faux email headers from the metadata, and then a procmail script serves to direct where the file goes.
Nutzt jemand von euch noch #procmail? Es wäre an der Zeit, sich mal nach einer anderen Software umzuschauen:
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