@DanS Oh…🤔. How ‘bout?:
50 Blacker Shades of Pale
#50shadesOfGrey #ProcolHarum
#procolharum #50ShadesofGrey #HashtagGames #rejectedsongbookormovietitles
Morreu, hoje, Gary Brooker!
Vai deixar saudades em muitos de nós.
Quem nunca dançou esta música, de rosto colado? E lá se foi mais um pedaço das lembranças da nossa juventude... 😪
Ted Tocks Covers
A Whiter Shade of Pale
Originally posted on June 24, 2018
This iconic song by #ProcolHarum, first entered the charts on this day back in 2018, but there is so much more to the story.
Not to mention, it is one of the most covered songs of all time.
"And so it was that later
as the miller told his tale
that her face, at first just ghostly,
turned a whiter shade of pale"
Na deze werkt hij vooral solo en met artiesten zoals #RingoStarr en #GaryMoore.
In 1993 richt hij met Moore en Baker een nieuwe band op genaamd #bbm, Bruce-Baker-Moore.
In dat jaar zal hij ook deel uitmaken van de supergroep rond Ringo Starr, de #RingoAllStarrBand.
In 2005 komt #Cream nog een keer samen in de oude bezetting met enkele concerten in de Royal Albert Hall.
In 2008 brengt hij een album uit met #RobinTrower van #ProcolHarum.
In 2014 net voor zijn dood komt zijn laatste solowerk uit.
#ringostarr #garymoore #bbm #ringoallstarrband #cream #robintrower #procolharum
«Los 30 grupos de la revolución pop», parte 2
Pelo #1, p31-34
Feb. 1970
#revistapelo #music #musica #rock #thefamily #thefugs #fleetwoodmac #JimiHendrix #jeffersonairplane #themamasandthepapas #mc5 #themothersofinvention #themove #pinkfloyd #procolharum #therollingstones
#revistapelo #music #musica #rock #thefamily #thefugs #fleetwoodmac #jimihendrix #JeffersonAirplane #themamasandthepapas #mc5 #themothersofinvention #themove #pinkfloyd #procolharum #therollingstones
Bonne nuit les p’tits mammouths, dormez bien, demain c’est vendredi…
Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade of Pale
A belated RIP for Keith Reid (died March 23), lyricist for Procol Harum.
"Upon the seventh seasick day
We made our port of call
A sand so white, and sea so blue
No mortal place at all
We fired the guns, and burned the mast
And rowed from ship to shore
The captain cried, we sailors wept
Our tears were tears of joy."
Currently listening:
All hands on deck, we've run afloat
I heard the captain cry
"Explore the ship, replace the cook"
"Let no one leave alive!"
Across the straits, around the horn
How far can sailors fly?
A twisted path, our tortured course
And no one left alive
We sailed for parts unknown to man
Where ships come home to die…. #procolharum #ASaltyDog #StarTrek #startrekpicard #picard #music #prog
#procolharum #asaltydog #startrek #startrekpicard #picard #music #prog
Bonne nuit les p’tits mammouths, dormez bien, demain sera autre… tout autre…
Procol Harum - Homburg
Keith Reid, the lyricist for Procol Harum whose poetic vision on Whiter Shade of Pale made it a defining song of the 1960s, has died aged 76. #procolharum
#ProcolHarum (a whiter shade of pale)
The Guardian: "Keith Reid, lyricist for Procol Harum, dies aged 76"
#music #procolharum #whitershadeofpale
#RIPKeithReid Hope you are skipping the light fandango and turning cartwheels cross the clouds on the other side. Thanks for the lyrical inspiration, without which #ProcolHarum would not have been. #NowPlaying #vinyl
#ripkeithreid #procolharum #nowplaying #vinyl
#RIP #KeithReid long-time lyricist with #ProcolHarum https://bestclassicbands.com/keith-reid-procol-harum-obituary-3-29-23/
Voor de liefhebbers van de jaren 70 muziek!
#SinaDrums #GaryBrooker #ProcolHarum #rip
'The most beautiful song you never heard • My Tribute to Gary Brooker' op YouTube
#sinadrums #garybrooker #procolharum #rip
@OldBumpy We did a live cover of this with the Hammond player from Procol Harum, Josh Phillips. Hope you like it 😀 #ProcolHarum #JoshPhillips https://youtu.be/Q1JILOYFOt4