The #Procrastination Equation
Starting the day procrastinating; Instead re-write some code to get rid off a tech debt I'm going to do some DoH stuff.
But first a coffee.
dear revenge bedtime #procrastination,
you lose, I'm going to #sleep.
no need to come back another day, plz.
To those who pay attention to my workload, you may have noticed that several of my #daily projects are falling really behind, and are not being updated consistently (rather, they are being updated sporadically) I have been having real difficulties with my #schedule along with #procrastination issues. I am hoping to eventually get caught back up, but it will likely take weeks.
#daily #schedule #procrastination
#moderation #responsibilities #procrastination #backto #disenchantment
There, my half hour of responsible Nico has been achieved for today...
Time to go back to irresponsible procrastinating Nico,... He's a lot more chill...
#moderation #responsibilities #procrastination #backto #disenchantment
A few more hours today and good progress towards better error reporting and visibility about the problems the users face 💪🪲but that's almost #procrastination. I need to work on the things that matter most.
Nevertheless, it felt good to move the project forward again 🚀
Ich hab gerade Geschenke verpackt und Karten geschrieben.
Eine Sache von 10 Minuten, die ich jetzt 3 Wochen vor mir her geschoben habe. Perfekt😅
I'm still procrastinating creating the stat block for my vampire pumpkins.
I have a pretty good idea of what I want them to be like now, it's just a matter of generating the stat block.
I've been procrastinating for two weeks now. I don't fully know why.
I am thinking about giving them the ability to root themselves that Glutton Grass has.
#VampirePumpkin #Vampires #Pumpkin #JackOLantern #Pathfinder1e #P1e #Ustalav
#Pathfinder1 #PathfinderRPG
#procrastination #vampirepumpkin #vampires #pumpkin #jackolantern #pathfinder1e #p1e #ustalav #pathfinder1 #pathfinderrpg #ttrpg #ttrpgs
All this because someone asked me “when are you going to finish that referee report I asked for” #procrastination
There's nothing like having to compose a letter that will determine the course of your life for the next two years to encourage you to clean off your desk instead. #procrastination #Lichtenbergianism #TaskAvoidance
#procrastination #lichtenbergianism #taskavoidance
I wrote a blog post lying around in bed procrastinating by writing a blog post.
#SittingInOblivion #Blog #Procrastination #OverWork #Music #Photography
#sittinginoblivion #blog #procrastination #overwork #music #photography
@velvetwombat @KrisDoC
Excellent :) J'ai essayé d'apprendre mais j'ai pas réussi a me bloquer assez de temps pour ça #procrastination
(Of course, scrolling Mastodon is not helping…)
Busy doing something/nothing? #Procrastinators don't delay ... read this now and learn life changing productivity methods: #LifeHacks #Productivity #Procrastination #humour #humor
#procrastinators #lifehacks #productivity #procrastination #humour #humor
Realised I've been procrastinating on something, and making pretty visuals isn't going to fix it! :)
This is my accountability post - Today WILL be the day I fix an AI bug, or *at least* spend time trying!
#gamedev #solodev #procrastination
If you're someone who procrastinates from time to time, you might my find my latest #YouTube video useful. It explores the reasons for our procrastination and the 'stories' we tell ourselves to justify the delays.
#Procrastination #Coaching #PersonalDevelopment #Productivity
#youtube #procrastination #coaching #personaldevelopment #productivity
Not me with a poetry contest deadline looking up how-to videos for watercolor painting. Nothing like starting a new hobby instead of working on your deadlines. #poetry #poet #procrastination #watercolor #hobbies
#poetry #poet #procrastination #watercolor #hobbies
Me: Let's write the slides in Markdown first to organize my ideas, and then paste them into Google Slides for the presentation.
Also me: Let's Google how to set up a custom Beamer template, so I can export the Markdown directly to Beamer using Pandoc. *Proceeds to spend hours just reading tutorials and not doing actual work nor writing the template.*
#latex #beamer #procrastination
A question that occurred to me (as I re-read some toots from yesterday):
Do we need fascists (and their allies) in a body politic?
#monday #deepthoughts #procrastination