Laundry is my version of 🎄.. even more so these days as I only do it every 3 months
for a whole variety of reasons #Covid #bacteria in machines #sarscov2 #otherPeople
Never subscribed to #TheLaundress but researched #chemicals in #products years ago & #proctorGamble products very not good either #carcinogenic & this company was bought by #Unilever #BigSoap
It’s shocking what you can launder & what you can’t there’s a🐷🐗brush for that
but this is a frightening article
#covid #bacteria #sarscov2 #otherpeople #thelaundress #chemicals #products #proctorgamble #carcinogenic #unilever #bigsoap
Jetzt ist es da, wo so ein Mist hingehört!
Hätte ich im Laden schon die Inhaltsstoffe gecheckt, hätte ich den Gift-Cocktail erst gar nicht gekauft.
#head_shoulders #head_and_shoulders #proctorgamble #proctor_gamble #Gift
#gift #proctor_gamble #proctorgamble #head_and_shoulders #head_shoulders
Wütend das fast volle #head_and_shoulders Shampoo in den Müll gepfeffert. Deckelkonstruktion Schrott. Hat mir gerade den Daumennagel - festen Männer Daumennagel - zerrissen. So einen Scheiss kaufe ich nie wieder!
#proctorgamble #headshoulders #head_and_shoulders