Una guida #privacy per recruiter e aziende che fanno #selezione del personale (per i propri uffici o per conto terzi).
Un vero e proprio manuale di 101 pagine, a cura del Garante privacy francese, che fornisce preziose indicazioni, anche in relazione all'impiego di sistemi decisionali automatizzati.
❗Attenzione però a come applicarlo in Italia 🇮🇹...
Continua ➡️ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/marco-mambrini_cnil-guida-per-i-recruiter-activity-7027157478005968896-2mm4
#dataprotection #acountability #lavoro #intelligenzaartificiale #proctoring
#privacy #selezione #dataprotection #acountability #lavoro #intelligenzaartificiale #proctoring
En hier het wetenschappelijk bewijs dat #proctoring niet werkt en frauderen kinderlijk eenvoudig is:
Een #RoomScan bij online #proctoring is zelfs in de USA verboden: https://www.security.nl/posting/765816/Kamerscan+bij+online+examens+schendt+privacy+Amerikaanse+student
#RoomScan #proctoring #privacy
@bignose Thank you! That quotation from @pluralistic summarizes the situation quite well: proctoring software is a rootkit.
I’m surprised that so many people seem to think this is ok.
#rootkit #proctoring #surveillance #privacy
Well, how annoying is this? If I take a university course online, I am now required to submit to online proctoring. That means granting some company access to my computer and webcam. No, no, no, a thousand times no.
#academic #surveillance #privacy #proctoring #university
any digital artists working on interventions to overload, disable or otherwise mess with #proctoring software?
what is the privacy policy (ideally) for online tests that use #webcam access for #proctoring? I am just wondering where pics of my home interiors will land up/end up.