It's really odd to think that roughly a year ago today, I went to A&E with intense intestinal pain, then after a few hours of scans & waiting, was rushed into emergency surgery to get a #ProctoSigmoidEctomy (aka Hartmann's procedure).
This saved my life & created a #stoma for me.
Pooping into a bag is honestly not a big deal for me most of the time. In fact, it's quite handy at times, whilst being very inconvenient at others.
While recovering from the emergency #proctosigmoidectomy that gave me my #stoma, I was advised that I would still pass goo / mucus balls "occasionally".
I think the doctors underestimated just how much mucus my body produces 😅
I squeeze mucus out of my rectal pouch daily, sometimes even a couple of times in a day.
On the plus side, if the NHS ever actually gets around to reversing this for me, I won't have forgotten how to use my poop muscles 🤣
#proctosigmoidectomy #stoma #colostomy #colectomy
That feeling when your stoma is starting to prolapse, but you're not sure if it's finished pooping yet, so you're unsure whether to put on your ostomy belt yet today 😅
Put it on too late & you've got a dangly stoma that you've got to squeeze back inside.
Put it on too early & you'll possibly blow out the bag if poop gets stuck around the top of the ostomy bag.
Fun times all round 🙃
#stoma #ostomy #colostomy #colectomy #proctosigmoidectomy
NGL: I love that the skorts I got can be pulled up high enough to cover my ostomy bag entirely without causing any issue or discomfort 🥰
I'm not at all ashamed of my stoma in the slightest, but I realise that most folks don't exactly feel comfortable seeing a my poop bag & a bit of my gut hanging out 😅
#ostomy #stoma #colostomy #colectomy #ProctoSigmoidEctomy
CW for image: tummy & you can see the tip of my tummy scar
#ostomy #stoma #colostomy #colectomy #proctosigmoidectomy
So, I woke up this morning with a nearly full ostomy bag. It would have been too difficult to squeeze all the contents out, so I changed the bag.
My stoma (named "Lil Bitch") has just now half-filled the new bag with "soft serve", which is difficult to get out of a bag, even if you've added some baby oil.
*shakes fist at Lil Bitch*
#ostomy #ostomybag #colostomy #stoma #proctosigmoidectomy
Got a letter today saying:
"Further to our recent consultation, I was pleased to see that your colonoscopy, initially per rectum for the rectal stump, and then per stoma to the caecum, was unremarkable. As such, I am more than happy to put you on the waiting list for reversal of your Hartmann's procedure."
tl;dr - I'm officially on the waiting list for a reversal attempt for my proctosigmoidectomy 🥰
#stoma #colonostomy #proctosigmoidectomy #nhs
I think I've posted this before, but it really deserves repeating.
Assuming I can indeed get the reversal surgery for my proctosigmoidectomy (Hartmann's procedure) & it's successful, at some point there's gonna be a real awkward conversation with my surgeon.
Me: "Soooooo... how long until I can, you know..."
Surgeon: "Until you can what?"
Me: "... you know..."
Surgeon: "I really don't know."
Me: "... until my wife can peg me again 😅😳"
Still waiting to hear back from my local hospital shortly about getting booked in for a surgery to attempt reversal 🤞
While replacing my ostomy bag today, I thought I'd take a couple of quick photos from different angles to show others what it my stoma & scar look like.
#ostomy #colonostomy #proctosigmoidectomy #stoma
Booked in for a colonoscopy under sedation this Sunday afternoon to shove a camera into my stoma & up my rectal stump.
They're looking to check that I'm all good to go for a reversal attempt of my emergency proctosigmoidectomy from last September.
Assuming no issues, they should agree to book me in for surgery sometime this Autumn, likely September.
It's another faff, but it's at least headed in the right direct.
#stoma #colonoscopy #proctosigmoidectomy
Me: *changes my full ostomy bag*
My stoma (Lil Bitch): "That's a lovely fresh bag you've got there. It would be a shame if someone were to immediately soil it."
Me: "Fuck you, Lil Bitch!!!"
#stoma #ostomy #colostomy #HartmannsProcedure #proctosigmoidectomy
#stoma #ostomy #colostomy #hartmannsprocedure #proctosigmoidectomy