So before they go to war with to prop up their (woops we mean save poor little from a country that, warts-and-all, lifted 800 million out of and who their were happy to send all our to for decades while we were screaming about the longterm damage that would do to us),

… we suppose then we better start with , and by bombing ourselves in for being part of that alliance.

Oh wait what?!

#china #USDollar #taiwan #poverty #powerElite #productiveIndustries #israel #australia #landTheft #palestine

Last updated 4 years ago

It all depends on what they are producing. If you like and believe it is important you will strive to do it well, regardless.

Working conditions are important, including . Similarly are important.

Its why for literally years we were calling out to keep our and here in , even before we became DSFGS, and why a bit of is healthy.

#workLifeBalance #environmentalProtections #productiveIndustries #valueAdded #australia #protectionism

Last updated 4 years ago