I can encourage anybody in #product to pick up after-work networking and learning formats again. No matter if full community-driven or organized by a company which handouts recruiting flyers and brand stickers on the side.
These events are extremly valuable for any #productmanager and thank your for anyone who organized and participated.
#product #productmanager #prodmgmt
Colleague mentions her job change. Hoping this job opening is match for someone near to #Nashville:
#ProductManager #NowHiring #FediHire #ecommerce #JobOpening #Employment #Tennesee
#nashville #productmanager #nowhiring #FediHire #ecommerce #jobopening #employment #Tennesee
What a good day. I spent most of it modeling product portfolios, clarifying distributed decision making (using a @johncutlefish concept & #Miro template), then spent time researching how to make a positive impact on the fediverse. It was a #ProductManager x #systemsThinking happy space.
#miro #productmanager #systemsThinking
Dearest #ProductManager folks,
No one needs you to be the “idea guy”. There are very few new ideas out there, and your disruptive shit probably isn’t one of them.
What I— and your engineers and your customers and everyone else on this shitshow of a space rock— need, are PMs who can thoroughly think through the implications of implementing an idea. Happy path, exception paths, intended consequences, unintended consequences, the whole shebang.
#productmanager #productmanagement #pm
Ma boîte ouvre pas moins de 12 nouveaux postes en interne, essentiellement autour du rôle de #ProductManager, faîtes-tourner à votre voisin 🔄
Je peux me rendre disponible pour répondre aux questions des motivés 😉
#プロダクトマネジメント #ProductManager
Hundreds of designers at the 2023 Figma congress applauded these words of AirBnB's CEO: "We have gotten rid of the classic functions of the #ProductManager ".
What does this means for the role? Does it have an expiration date already? https://antoniorull.com/expiration-date-product-manager/
So if you wonder why the currently most prominent #productmanager is back allover in the newspapers:
Frances Haugen's book is available.
The Power of One: Blowing the Whistle on #Facebook
Also available in German: "Die Wahrheit über Facebook: Warum ich zur Whistleblowerin wurde und was die größte Social-Media-Plattform der Welt so gefährlich macht | Der Insiderbericht einer mutigen Frau " (Wer hat denn bitte diesen Titel verbockt?)
So, tech industry veterans, how long do we reckon it'll take for the big firms to start hiring again? A couple of years? 5? Or do we reckon those days are done?
#tech #techindustry #organisations #hiring #product #productmanager #productmgmt
#tech #techindustry #organisations #hiring #product #productmanager #productmgmt
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/the-epic-story-of-a-stellar-product-manager-from-0-to-100k-users
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/the-epic-story-of-a-stellar-product-manager-from-0-to-100k-users
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon: http://nitter.platypush.tech/hackernoon/status/1638103198727561216#m
Sunil Tej Gorantla is a product expert, growth hacker, and writer. He believes in solving for what people need and making data-driven decisions. - https://hackernoon.com/the-epic-story-of-a-stellar-product-manager-from-0-to-100k-users #productmanager #productmanagement
#productmanager #productmanagement
Hey there #productmanager /s in small businesses and start-ups, question for you: is doing everything-except-coding just a fact of life in this role or am I doing it wrong?
Today so far my tasks have covered #marketing, #HR, #strategy, #design, #peoplemanagement, #productsupport and #productdelivery - and it's not noon yet.
#productmanager #marketing #hr #strategy #design #peoplemanagement #productsupport #productdelivery #smallbusiness #startup #productmgmt #product #technology
Know The Development Costs: Why Product Managers Need to Go Beyond Sprint Estimates and Story… https://link.medium.com/gETONBp2Xxb #productmanagement #estimations #ProductManager
#productmanagement #estimations #productmanager
Hey there product people of Mastodon. What are your hot tips for helping a time-selling business (aka consultancy) transition to a product-selling business? Assume the tech team is solid and funding is secured... this question is more about the wetware of the people involved.
#product #technology #productmanager #ProductMgmt #productmanagent #wetware #psychology #smallbusines #organisations
#product #technology #productmanager #productmgmt #productmanagent #wetware #psychology #smallbusines #organisations
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/what-are-the-roles-and-responsibilities-of-product-managers
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/what-are-the-roles-and-responsibilities-of-product-managers
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon: http://nitter.platypush.tech/hackernoon/status/1630827722724319236#m
Learn what a product manager and the types of product managers are. Discover the roles and responsibilities of a product manager and how to become a PM - https://hackernoon.com/what-are-the-roles-and-responsibilities-of-product-managers #productmanagement #productmanager
#productmanagement #productmanager
Yet, there are plenty of people around to still kiss his Musky...ring!
I was going to say ring!
Twitter has reportedly laid off product manager Esther Crawford | Engadget https://www.engadget.com/twitter-has-reportedly-laid-off-product-manager-esther-crawford-204639968.html
#twitter #productmanager #layoff #socialmedia #technews
From my point of view, the #technical #team must have a correct understanding of the customer's real #NEED, and this is one of the main duties of the #productowner (#PO) and #productmanager.
#technical #team #need #productowner #po #productmanager
Adopting a Product-Centric operating model at Scale https://link.medium.com/YA2gfFs3txb #scale #productmanager #change
#scale #productmanager #change
"Unleash your team's full potential as a #ProductManager - go from being just a team member to a coach! Set clear strategies, foster individual growth & team culture, and be the front line protector 💪 #PMlife #Leadership #TeamManagement"
#productmanager #PMlife #leadership #TeamManagement
"Unleash your team's full potential as a #ProductManager - go from being just a team member to a coach! Set clear strategies, foster individual growth & team culture, and be the front line protector 💪 #PMlife #Leadership #TeamManagement"
#productmanager #PMlife #leadership #TeamManagement
It's that time of year again where I seek out your favourite roadmapping and dependencies tools.
Ideally need to be able to integrate across multiple teams. Working with Jira an advantage, but also not essential.
#ProductOwner #productmanager #projectmanageriguess