Hi, Mastodon, I'm hoping you can help me #GetFediHired
I'm a certified Scaled Agile Product Owner with five years of direct industry experience leading development teams, mostly in the Health sector.
I'm located in Indianapolis, USA or would love to join you in #RemoteWork.
#fediHired #fedijobs #tech #agile #ProductOwner #ScaledAgile #SAFe
#getfedihired #remotework #fedihired #fedijobs #tech #agile #productowner #scaledagile #safe
Scrum teams move too fast for traditional product management.
Learn the skills and techniques that successful scrum product owners use to guide their teams and build successful products at agile speed!
Register now for our next Certified Scrum Product Owner Workshop here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/623951444567?discount=ISawItOnMastodon
#productowner #scrum #scrumproductowner
Hoe meer organisaties hun manier van werken in agile veranderen, hoe crucialer de rol van product owner wordt. Een goede invulling van de rol is dus van groot belang. Dit kun je vewachte van een excellente #productowner.
The @mpi_grav Hannover invites applications for the position of an “Product Owner (m/f/d) ‘Phasemeter for LISA’”.
ℹ️ https://www.aei.mpg.de/1030987/product-owner-m-f-d-phasemeter-for-lisa
📅 application deadline: 31 May
#lisamission #productowner #jobs #hannover #aerospace
The @mpi_grav Hannover invites applications for the position of an “Product Owner (m/f/d) ‘Phasemeter for LISA’”.
ℹ️ https://www.aei.mpg.de/1030987/product-owner-m-f-d-phasemeter-for-lisa
📅 application deadline: 31 May
#lisamission #productowner #jobs #hannover #aerospace
The @mpi_grav Hannover invites applications for the position of an “Product Owner (m/f/d) ‘Phasemeter for LISA’”.
ℹ️ https://www.aei.mpg.de/1030987/product-owner-m-f-d-phasemeter-for-lisa
📅 application deadline: 31 May
#lisamission #productowner #jobs #hannover #aerospace
The @mpi_grav Hannover invites applications for the position of an “Product Owner (m/f/d) ‘Phasemeter for LISA’”.
ℹ️ https://www.aei.mpg.de/1030987/product-owner-m-f-d-phasemeter-for-lisa
📅 application deadline: 31 May
#lisamission #productowner #jobs #hannover #aerospace
The @mpi_grav Hannover invites applications for the position of an “Product Owner (m/f/d) ‘Phasemeter for LISA’”.
ℹ️ https://www.aei.mpg.de/1030987/product-owner-m-f-d-phasemeter-for-lisa
📅 application deadline: 31 May
#lisamission #productowner #jobs #hannover #aerospace
What are the characteristics of a great #ScrumTeam?
This article describes the characteristics & skills of a great ➡️ #ProductOwner, ➡️ #ScrumMaster, and ➡️ #DevelopmentTeam: https://bit.ly/42JT1zs
#fromthearchive #infoq #scrumteam #productowner #scrummaster #developmentteam #scrum #agiletechniques #teamwork
Absolument. Ça permet d'être dans des conditions proches de ce que l'utilisateur final pourra rencontrer de pire et donc de constater si le produit est taillé pour y répondre.
Mais normalement ça devrait faire partie des #userStories ("mon utilisateur est dans le train avec une connexion data médiocre et l'application doit pouvoir fournir les fonctionnalités minimales X, Y et Z") demandées à être ajoutée par le #ProductOwner au backlog de l'équipe de dev.