As a follow up to this, let me say if we want to reduce rates -even prevent - child abuse, all of our policy should be #profamily. We need to be supporting #families in every way we can think of.
There should be #daycare centers everywhere. Providers should be high-income earners. Service should be subsidized by the state. #parents should earn enough to afford life. #SingleParents in particular should be provided at-will in home support.
You want to stop child base? Me too.
#SingleParents #parents #daycare #families #profamily
But READING is the biggest threat to life, liberty and happiness, per #TEXAS
#ProLife #ProGun #ProFamily #ProCensorship #Idiocracy #SMH
#texas #prolife #progun #profamily #procensorship #idiocracy #smh
#republicans are not #prolife #prochildren or #profamily. They are the opposite of all of those things.
#republicans #prolife #prochildren #profamily
Conspirator Conspirator tto over overthrow overthrow the votes by by the electoral college. Chairwoman @AZGOP, #AmericaFirst, #Prolife, #ProFamily, #ProFreedom, and #UltraMAGA. Her phone records have been subpoenaed by the Jan 6th committee. co-conspirator to overthrow Americans votes in 2020.
#americafirst #prolife #profamily #profreedom #UltraMAGA
RT @Don_Lazzara
Il silenzio con cui viene trattato il terribile assassinio in chiesa del deputato inglese #DavidAmess è indicativo del livello ideologico a cui si è giunti. Niente cordoglio per Amess, politico cattolico #prolife e #profamily. Silenziata pure la matrice islamica dell'omicidio.
#profamily #prolife #DavidAmess