20.08.2022 SV Eintracht Profen e.V. II – SV Schwarz Gelb Deuben e.V.
#groundhopping #Fussball #football #thechickenbaltichronicles #Profen #Deuben #UnsereAmateure #Stadionperle
#groundhopping #fussball #football #thechickenbaltichronicles #profen #Deuben #UnsereAmateure #Stadionperle
Baggerbesetzung im Tagebau #Profen - Solidarität mit #HambiBleibt Weiterlesen --> https://enough-is-enough14.org/2019/01/13/baggerbesetzung-im-tagebau-profen-solidaritaet-mit-hambibleibt/
Enough is Enough: **#Saxony-Anhalt: Bucket wheel excavator occupied in open pit mine #Profen – Solidarity with #HambiBleibt**
"Statement by a group of autonomous activists, who occupied a bucket wheel excavator in the brown coal opencast mine of Profen earlier this week."
#bot #Anarchism #HambiBleibt #profen #saxony
#Saxony-Anhalt: Bucket wheel excavator occupied in open pit mine #Profen - Solidarity with #HambiBleibt - #HambacherForst #antireport Read here --> https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/01/13/saxony-anhalt-bucket-wheel-excavator-occupied-in-open-pit-mine-profen-solidarity-with-hambibleibt/
#antireport #HambacherForst #HambiBleibt #profen #saxony