Sometimes the "safe space" conversation is too limiting or impossible because we all have differing definitions of safe.
Attached is an alternate approach by Micky Scott Bey Jones.
#ReclamationCoaching #TraumaRecoveryCoaching #TraumaRecovery #ProfessionalFriend
#reclamationcoaching #traumarecoverycoaching #traumarecovery #professionalfriend
Because the world tries to blend chaos and order none of us make it to adulthood without some tricky spots in how we interact with the world.
Having people in our lives to help us identify what's sticking and hold space for us as we work our way out can be a huge help.
#ReclamationCoaching #TraumaRecoveryCoaching #TraumaRecovery #ChildhoodEmotionalNeglect #SpirtiualAbuse #ProfessionalFriend
#reclamationcoaching #traumarecoverycoaching #traumarecovery #childhoodemotionalneglect #spirtiualabuse #professionalfriend