Here’s what I’ve been up to recently, between looking after a slightly poorly hubby.
I really need to concentrate on my commission work. The 16 Great Eastern Railway coaches are progressing slowly, but I keep getting sidetracked by plastic aeroplane kits. I’ll perhaps go into more depth about that personal hobby project one day.
#ModelMaker #ModelRailways #ProfessionalModelmaker #ModelAircraft #RoyalAirForce #SecondWorldWar #WorldWar2
#modelmaker #ModelRailways #professionalmodelmaker #modelaircraft #RoyalAirForce #secondworldwar #worldwar2
The longest journey begins with the first step.
Annoying coach handrails. I’ve got to make dozens, reliably. At first, I thought some form of jig would be useful. In the end, I found simply forming the wire with fine pliers simplest. There is a wastage rate, but it will come down twitch more practice - I hope.
#ModelMaker #ProfessionalModelMaker #ScaleModels #ModelRailways
#modelmaker #professionalmodelmaker #scalemodels #ModelRailways
Commissioned work has been sporadic this week. My heart's not in it, and I’ve been seriously thinking about jacking it all in. I won't, though, because I have this awful sense of duty to complete the stuff I’ve agreed to build.
Anyway, the Great Eastern Railway coaches are acquiring bodies. With things getting less flat pack, I’ve upgraded the storage from ice cream tubs to a decent sized box.
Still a long way to go with this lot. *sigh*
#scalemodels #professionalmodelmaker #modelrailway
Remember all those model railway coaches I’m building? Well, I’ve finally started to assemble the bodies. I made a simple jig from scrap wood to hold an end and a side while I joined them with solder. It mostly worked as designed. Three down, 13 to go.
#ModelMaker #ProfessionalModelmaker #ModelRailway #ModelRailroad #ScaleModel
#modelmaker #professionalmodelmaker #modelrailway #modelrailroad #scalemodel
That’s eight more underframes detailed. Two more to go, but I'm waiting on spare parts. This lot has been rinsed to neutralise the flux used in the soldering. I think I’ll have the rest of the day off.
#modelrailway #professionalmodelmaker #modelrailroad