New #introduction
I am a #ProfessionalTranssexual doing my PhD dissertation on #TransingPeace. I also am organizing a support group and working group for trans and gender diverse folks in research.
I share a new artist each week on #TransMusicMonday and some non-fiction writing each Saturday as part of #TranspiringConsiderations.
Help a girl out by tossing me a few bucks as a tip if you like what I do? 😘​
#introduction #professionaltranssexual #transingpeace #transmusicmonday #transpiringconsiderations
@newgirl I think a lot of people want to just not have it be centered in their professional life by cis people, even if they are happy to mentor other trans folks. As someone who has kinda become a #ProfessionalTranssexual in spaces like public behavioral health and program evaluation, I've seen what you're describing plenty. Some do want to go complete stealth (or had to back in the day), so those folks are probably not going to be as open to being approached...hard to say
Feeling good about how I look today and figured I'd toss in for some #TransAppreciationFriday
Just me being a non-binary trans girl lesbian in my kitchen. Most of the time, I am basically a #ProfessionalTranssexual working in social science research, but my radical lifestyle is mostly just eating instant noodles in my kitchen between projects on my computer? Oh, and reading very gay books.
#transappreciationfriday #professionaltranssexual
My name is Joscelyn (Joss for short!), one of those infamous she/they's (used interchangeably), non-binary trans woman and #ProfessionalTranssexual
Random thing: I have given more than one guest lecture on George A. Romero's filmography as an anti-auteur and am obsessed with Night of the Living Dead. And if you've never seen it, watch Knightriders - indie rebels holding renfaire jousting tournaments on motorcycles fighting the cops. Has the best Stephen King cameo ever
I've come to realize that #ProfessionalTranssexual feels much nicer in the tongue and has such better verbal symmetry, it is the superior choice to #ProfessionalTrans or #ProfessionalTransgender for myself. Also, I like how uncomfortable transsexual makes cis folks sometimes because they know it's a word they shouldn't use generally....maybe I just enjoy lightly torturing the straights? 😅
#professionaltranssexual #professionaltrans #professionaltransgender
As a #ProfessionalTranssexual in research who has worked on and published papers/reports on our community, would people be interested in me posting here summaries of the findings/etc from different things I've worked on?
Topics include: #TransingPeace #TransingPeaceStudies #QueeringSecurity #TransingPublicHealth and more
#professionaltranssexual #transingpeace #transingpeacestudies #queeringsecurity #transingpublichealth