What a fucking fantastic film. #ProfessorMarstonAndTheWonderWomen
“They’re fascists!” “No, they’re Catholics.” “Same difference…” #ProfessorMarstonAndTheWonderWomen
Y’know, between it being Sarah’s first favourite song in #Chuck, Aubrey Plaza dancing to it in #Legion [and awakening feelings you didn’t know you had], and now here, I’m just gonna say it:
There is no better song than Nina Simone’s “feeling good”. Period. Full stop. Exclamation mark!
[And whenever it is put into a piece of media, it simply makes it better threefold.]
#chuck #legion #professormarstonandthewonderwomen #ninasimone #feelinggood
People, lock the door when you're having a BDSM scene, dammit! :blobpats: