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Happy Easter to you and yours, and all those who read this, too!
As a music addict, I really appreciate people like Rick Beato, Professor of Rock, and Produce Like A Pro (links below).
Rick Beato:
The Professor of Rock:
Produce Like A Pro:
Inside The Song with Graham Coxon from Blur - "Song 2"
#Music #YouTube #RickBeato #ProfessorOfRock #ProduceLikeAPro
#music #youtube #RickBeato #professorofrock #producelikeapro
STEVEN TYLER Went Berserk When He Was Forced To Censor One Word From This AEROSMITH Hit; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Investigates
Professor Of Rock has released the new video below, along with the following message: "As a father of three daughters, this was the most difficult song that Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, one of America’s great ...
#Aerosmith #StevenTyler #RockAndRoll #Censorship #RadioFriendly #LivinOnTheEdge #ProfessorOfRock
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #aerosmith #steventyler #rockandroll #censorship #radiofriendly #livinontheedge #professorofrock