The only thing that seemed to resonate with him was when I said that it felt like he wanted to skip the steps of learning about style and tradition to jump over to “interpretation” (which was my nice word for what he does).
Anyway. #ProfessorProblems
Oh God, the drip of e-mails re: fall semester has started.
#academia #professorproblems #academicchatter #academicmastodon
#academicmastodon #academicchatter #professorproblems #academia
After four days of conference travel, I’m home. The first thing I did was to greet the #tea
“Hello, tea, did you miss me? Because I missed you.”
Never mind that there wasn’t a proper afternoon tea service to be had for love or money, they put their tea in bags. Bags, people, BAGS!
I wasn’t raised by wolves.
Guys, I think I might be bougie.
#professor #professorproblems #academia #academicmastodon
#academicmastodon #academia #professorproblems #professor #tea
I’ve been at stage 3 for a lllloooonnnggg time.
#professor #professorproblems #academia #academicchatter #academicmastodon
#academicmastodon #academicchatter #academia #professorproblems #professor
I just got grade grubbed from a student from Fall 2021.
This is clown shoes.
#professor #professorproblems #academia #academicmastodon #academicchatter
#academicchatter #academicmastodon #academia #professorproblems #professor
How I’m feeling about Faculty Senate right now.
#professor #professorproblems #academia #academicmastodon #academicchatter @academicchatter
#academicchatter #academicmastodon #academia #professorproblems #professor
Ugh. Why does the campus bookstore always get a different edition from the one I ordered?
#professorproblems #academia #academicmastodon #academicchatter
#academicchatter #academicmastodon #academia #professorproblems
The request form to access the archives at the New York Public Library is not super user friendly. #ProfessorLife #ProfessorProblems #academia
#academia #professorproblems #professorlife
There is a rumor going around that I’m going to chair the #faculty senate next year.
I need to be absolutely positively crystal clear here. #professor #ProfessorLife #academia #ProfessorProblems #AcademicMastodon
#academicmastodon #professorproblems #academia #professorlife #professor #faculty
Ugh. I thought the word max for a conference proposal was 350. It is, in fact, 300.
Now I’m doing an adverb hunt.
#ProfessorProblems #Professor #ProfessorLife #academia #AcademicMastodon
#academicmastodon #academia #professorlife #professor #professorproblems
Over my morning tea, I was reflecting on my favorite #breakup (yes, I rank them - fight me) and how her parting shot was “you’re an ambivalent #mephistopheles ”
I still take ownership of that with pride. With apologies to #ChristopherMarlowe and #Goethe
#misanthrope #misanthropy #curmudgeon #professorproblems #LitStudies
#litstudies #professorproblems #curmudgeon #misanthropy #misanthrope #goethe #christophermarlowe #mephistopheles #breakup
Teaching NFIB v. Dept of Labor this afternoon and getting ragey all over again #AdminLaw #PublicHealthLaw #PHLaw #ModernAdministrativeState #ProfessorProblems #HealthLawRocks #HulkPrawf #OSHA #OccHealth #LawIsASDoH #LegalEpi
#adminlaw #PublicHealthLaw #PHLaw #modernadministrativestate #professorproblems #healthlawrocks #hulkprawf #osha #occhealth #lawisasdoh #LegalEpi
Teaching NFIB v. Dept of Labor this afternoon and getting ragey all over again #AdminLaw #PublicHealthLaw #PHLaw #ModernAdministrativeState #ProfessorProblems #HealthLawRocks #HulkPrawf #OSHA #OccHealth #LawIsASDoH #LegalEpi
#adminlaw #PublicHealthLaw #PHLaw #modernadministrativestate #professorproblems #healthlawrocks #hulkprawf #osha #occhealth #lawisasdoh #LegalEpi
I’m supposed to be grading all weekend and I don’t want to be #professorproblems
semester is over now what do i do? #professorproblems #whereismymind
#professorproblems #whereismymind
Why do I feel guilty for taking a couple hours (literally: 2) off during my weekend to spend with my family, instead of spending it all on my job which, theoretically, requires only 40 hours a week? Why is this how I've felt every weekend for a decade?