I had hoped I'd be able to get *more* than my ⅓ done today, but I'm already burning out and I have like 8 more podcasts to listen to. Remind me to never assign podcasts again—they are interminably long and poorly done and because you can't skim them like a bad essay they take too long to grade. #ProfessorRealness
I'm dividing the final projects up. So I have three classes—one podcast project (indigenous hunting of bowhead whales), one lit analysis project (global capitalism, environmental "bads" in West Africa), and one legal analysis of Land Back in California that students could present in a range of formats. So as to not get board, I'm going to do ⅓ of each class each day for the next three days, and then I'll be done on Thursday night. If it goes quickly, I may plow through more than that to be done. Next week I have a backlog of admin tasks (tenure letters for junior colleagues, curriculum changes that (for no rational reason) have to go through a university approval process, and changing the requirements of our AMS minor (I want to file before I start summer, even though it won't go through till fall).
#ProfessorRealness #GradingRagnarök #TheEndIsNigh
#professorrealness #gradingragnarok #theendisnigh
I am just pushing against a giant inner resistance to grade one. more. god. damn. paper. and I have a week left of stuff to grade. I always hate grading, but right now this inner refusal is something new. #ProfessorRealness
Teachers: Do you ever have an inner resistance/petulance to reading something you need to/have to read for class, even though it’s something you’re interested in and/or want to read, but because you *have* to read it, you stomp around, surf the web, call friends, take naps, go for walks, do the dishes, basically anything you can do to avoid reading THAT thing you have to read to teach on Monday…? #ProfessorRealness #ProfessorLife #Pedagogy #TeachingWoes
#professorrealness #professorlife #pedagogy #teachingwoes